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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
KANUTI:  Coldfoot, Alaska - Home to the Top of the World
Region 7, October 1, 2005
"Top of the World" Display

The Arctic Interagency Visitor Center in Coldfoot, Alaska, sixty miles north of the Arctic Circle, is home to a globe of the Top of the World. After traveling 255 miles north of Fairbanks on the infamous Dalton Highway, visitors will now see a scaled down version of the top of the globe, including mountainous relief. The crown jewel of the circumpolar room, the globe is the first object your eye catches when you walk into the visitor center.

If you have ever wondered how much of Russia is north of the Arctic Circle or how many rivers flow into the Arctic Ocean, this model is for you. Young or old, English speaking or not, guided visitors or those traveling on their own, everyone is attracted by the magic of this new display. It's common to see people pointing out where they started their journey and where they will eventually end up. Overseas visitors are in for the biggest surprise when they realize they came from virtually the other side of the world to arrive in Coldfoot, Alaska.

Although the northern refuges are not labeled on this globe, their habitat types are easily noticeable on a model of this size. The boreal forest is beautifully illustrated in stark contrast with the flat North Slope. Jody DeMeyere, Park Ranger for Kanuti Refuge, has spent countless hours at the center educating visitors about Arctic ecosystems. With the Top of the World as the focal point she says "Everyone is drawn to the display that makes it fun to learn about the Arctic."

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391, maeve_taylor@fws.gov