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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Mount St. Helens, Washington
View from Harrys Ridge
1980 to Current

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Aerial view of Mount St. Helens volcano, with Harrys Ridge in the foreground.
USGS Photograph taken September 30, 1980, by Lyn Topinka.
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USGS Scientists take deformation measurements from Harry's Ridge, located 5 miles (8 kilometers) north of Mount St. Helens.
USGS Photograph taken on October 31, 1981, by Lyn Topinka.
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Plumes of steam, gas, and ash often occured at Mount St. Helens in the early 1980s. On clear days they could be seen from Portland, Oregon, 50 miles (81 kilometers) to the south. The plume photographed here rose nearly 3,000 feet (1,000 meters) above the volcano's rim. The view is from Harrys Ridge, five miles (8 kilometers) north of the mountain.
USGS Photograph taken on May 19, 1982, by Lyn Topinka.
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Mount St. Helens as seen from Harrys Ridge, 5 miles to the north.
USGS Photograph taken on September 1, 1982, by Lyn Topinka.
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Mount St. Helens' crater, lava dome, and new lobe on the east, as seen from Harrys Ridge.
USGS Photograph taken on February 11, 1983, by Lyn Topinka.
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Mount St. Helens' crater, lava dome, and spine on new lobe on the east, as seen from Harrys Ridge.
USGS Photograph taken on March 2, 1983, by Lyn Topinka.
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In addition to monitoring stations within Mount St. Helens' crater, the U.S. Geological Survey also maintained a network of monitoring stations around the base of the volcano. Angle and distance measurements to the volcano's flanks were taken periodically to watch for any deformation similar to the 1980 bulge. Pictured here is the station Harry's Ridge, 5 miles north of Mount St. Helens' crater, with a USGS scientist setting up a theodolite.
USGS Photograph taken in September 15, 1983, by Lyn Topinka.
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Mount St. Helens as seen from Harrys Ridge, 5 miles to the north.
USGS Photograph taken on January 9, 1984, by Lyn Topinka.
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In addition to monitoring stations within Mount St. Helens' crater, the U.S. Geological Survey also maintained a network of monitoring stations around the base of the volcano. Angle and distance measurements to the volcano's flanks were taken periodically to watch for any deformation similar to the 1980 bulge. Pictured here is the station Harry's Ridge, 5 miles north of Mount St. Helens' crater.
USGS Photograph taken on March 22, 1984, by Lyn Topinka.
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The last dome-building eruption of Mount St. Helens during the 1980s occurred in October 1986. A new lobe was extruded, increasing the dome's height to 925 feet (282 meters), making it taller than a 77-story building. In volume, the dome was nearly 40 times the size of Seattle's Kingdome stadium. In this 30-minute, moon-lit exposure, hot rock from the new lobe is seen glowing on top of the dome. The view is from Harrys Ridge, five miles (8 kilometers) north of the volcano.
USGS Photograph taken on October 22, 1986, by Lyn Topinka.
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Mount St. Helens as seen from Harrys Ridge, 5 miles to the north.
USGS Photograph taken on May 6, 1987, by Lyn Topinka.
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Mount St. Helens crater and dome as seen from Harrys Ridge, 5 miles to the north.
USGS Photograph taken on May 6, 1987, by Lyn Topinka.
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Mount St. Helens' crater and dome from Harrys Ridge.
USGS Photograph taken on May 15, 1989, by Lyn Topinka.
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Mount St. Helens' crater and dome from Harrys Ridge.
USGS Photograph taken on May 15, 1989, by Lyn Topinka.
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Mount St. Helens as seen from Harrys Ridge, 5 miles to the north.
USGS Photograph taken on April 20, 2007, by Gene Iwatsubo.
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Comparison, Mount St. Helens as seen from Harrys Ridge (5 miles to the north) 25-years apart, in May 1982 and April 2007.
USGS Photographs taken on May 19, 1982 by Lyn Topinka, and April 20, 2007, by Gene Iwatsubo.
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Monitoring Mount St. Helens from Harrys Ridge, 5 miles to the north.
USGS Photograph taken on April 20, 2007, by Gene Iwatsubo.
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07/30/07, Lyn Topinka