Audubon Magazine
- Made in the Glades: An Audubon Center in Missouri’s Ozarks
- Clearing the Air: Safer skies for birds and planes
- Stopover Country: Kenn Kaufman’s favorite Midwestern birding trails
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Audubon’s Pat Pourchot Selected for Department of the Interior
By Gretchen Hazen
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has chosen Pat Pourchot to serve as Special Assistant to the Secretary for Alaska. Pat will leave his current job as the Senior Policy Representative for Audubon Alaska after Memorial Day to begin his new position. Read the press release and the Anchorage Daily News article, with statements from Alaska’s Congressional delegation.

Happy Mother's Day!
The mothers of our feathered friends deserve some recognition for their hard work in raising their own broods too. Check out some of the hardest working moms in the bird world.

Audubon Announces 2009 Rachel Carson Award Winners
NBC correspondent Anne Thompson will emcee the sixth annual Women in Conservation Luncheon at The Plaza in New York City May 19. Learn more. NYC Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe with Sigourney Weaver at 2008 event. Photo: Cutty McGill

Save the Planet, Win Eco-friendly Prizes!
TogetherGreen launches its nationwide Community Passport contest! To win, simply complete the highest number of volunteer hours in at least three conservation categories. Read the press release or get started now! NOTE: Employees of the National Audubon Society and Toyota are not eligible to win.

Gore Cites Audubon Findings on Climate
Former Vice President Al Gore and former Senator John Warner, R-VA, joined in bi-partisan support for the Waxman-Markey clean energy jobs bill. Mr. Gore cited Audubon's report: "This year, a number of groups ranging from the National Audubon Society to the Department of Interior, released the U.S. State of the Birds report showing that nearly a third of the nation's 800 bird species are endangered, threatened or in significant decline due to habitat loss, invasive species and other threats including climate change. The major shift attributed to the climate crisis related to the migratory patterns and a large shift northward among a vast range of bird species in the U.S." Learn more or visit Audubon's Birds & Climate Change report.

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Time For Summer Camp!
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