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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry

KENAI: Degenerating Pipeline Removed from Refuge Oil Field

Region 7, September 1, 2006
A portion of the over 5 tons of old piping removed recently from Kenai National Wildlife Refuge awaits cleaning, hauling, and disposal.
A portion of the over 5 tons of old piping removed recently from Kenai National Wildlife Refuge awaits cleaning, hauling, and disposal.

The Swanson River Oil and Gas Field has operated within Kenai National Wildlife Refuge since 1957 and includes many aging facilities, such as buried pipelines.  Chevron/Texaco, the current Field Operator, with the guidance of Refuge staff, spent two months digging by hand to remove over 5 tons of old pipe.  The piping was cleaned and removed from the field by a local contractor.  The Operator plans to conduct similar activities at the remaining facilities in the near future.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391, maeve_taylor@fws.gov