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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
  YUKON FLATS: Stevens Village Initiates Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project
Region 7, July 15, 2008
Habitat along the route of the firebreak, east of the new airport.
Habitat along the route of the firebreak, east of the new airport.

Stevens Village within the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, initiated a hazardous fuels fire risk reduction project in July 2008 with help of fire management staff from Yukon Flats Refuge. This project is the latest in a series of hazardous fuels reduction projects begun in 2003 around northern Alaskan refuges.  The Fish and Wildlife Service funded project consists of construction by a local fire crew of a shaded fuels break between Stevens Village and adjacent Refuge lands to the north.  The goal of the project is to allow Refuge lands to be managed for a natural fire regime while protecting adjacent private lands.

The Stevens Village project involved removing spruce, brush, and some deciduous trees from a fire lane east from Stevens Village airport to the Yukon River to create defensible space from wildland fire approaching from the north.  Healthy deciduous trees were left. Pile burns were conducted under supervision of the fire management staff on the shores of the Yukon River to dispose of accumulated slash.

The Stevens Village Fuels Reduction Project is a collaborative effort between the Stevens Village Council, the BIA, the Tanana Chiefs Conference, the Alaska Fire Service (AFS), and the Service. The project also involved preparing a Community Wildfire Protection Plan, a Thinning Plan, and a Prescribed Fire Burn Plan in cooperation with the community.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391, maeve_taylor@fws.gov