Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3-26: Summary of Transportation Revenues and Expenditures from Own Funds and User Coverage, Fiscal Year (Current and chained 1996 $ millions)

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Federal revenues                              
Current 10,312 18,404 21,384 25,976 25,867 27,373 27,206 30,166 30,742 31,440 38,934 51,996 R46,791 42,654 43,408
Chained 18,410 25,758 26,091 30,183 29,488 29,890 28,774 30,813 30,742 30,805 37,661 48,928 42,610 38,189 37,581
Federal expendituresa                              
Current 24,737 R28,300 R30,924 R33,015 R35,331 R37,337 R39,733 R40,839 R40,865 R41,849 R41,393 R43,834 R49,534 56,570 U
Chained 44,165 R39,608 R37,731 R38,363 R40,277 R40,770 R42,023 R41,715 R40,860 R40,999 R40,035 R41,241 R45,136 48,581 U
Federal user coverage (percent) 42% 65% 69% 79% 73% 73% 68% 74% 75% 75% 94% 119% 97% 97% U
State and local revenues                              
Current 22,665 33,735 48,369 51,417 54,458 57,823 60,427 63,493 65,677 69,076 72,300 74,898 79,091 U U
Chained 41,725 46,809 56,138 58,006 60,322 62,451 63,580 64,941 65,677 67,339 69,333 69,959 70,959 U U
State and local expenditures                              
Current 31,592 48,939 69,770 75,334 79,321 79,190 86,214 R89,739 92,585 96,596 104,355 R110,968 117,921 U U
Chained 58,966 67,905 80,978 84,989 87,861 85,528 90,713 R91786 92,585 94,166 100,072 R103,650 105,796 U U
State and local user coverage (percent) 72% 69% 69% 68% 69% 73% 70% 71% 71% 72% 69% 67% 67% U U

KEY: R = revised; U = data are not available.

a data for 1985 and 1990 -2000 have been revised due to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)'s revision to the source data on federal expenditure.


Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.


1980: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, unpublished data.

1985–2002: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Government Transportation Financial Statistics: 2002 (Washington, DC: forthcoming), tables 2-a, 2-b, 4-a, and 4-b. Constant dollar deflator: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts, Washington, DC, table 7.1, "Chain-Type Price Index."

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