Table A: Social and Economic Characteristics of the United States,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,1980,1985,1990,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,,,, TOTAL U.S. resident populationa (thousands),"226,546","237,924","248,791","262,803","265,229","267,784","270,248","272,691","281,422","284,797",,,, Ageb (thousands),,,,,,,,,,,,,, Under 18,"63,754","62,623","63,949","68,555","69,109","69,603","69,903","70,199","72,294","72,552",,,, 18-24 years,"30,022","28,902","26,961","25,112","24,843","24,980","25,476","26,011","27,142","27,831",,,, 25-34,"37,082","41,696","43,174","40,730","40,246","39,559","38,743","37,936","39,892","39,607",,,, 35-44,"25,634","31,691","37,444","42,555","43,365","44,014","44,498","44,813","45,149","45,019",,,, 45-54,"22,800","22,460","25,062","31,100","32,358","33,625","34,575","35,802","37,678","39,188",,,, 55-64,"21,703","22,135","21,116","21,132","21,353","21,816","22,666","23,389","24,275","25,308",,,, 65 and over,"25,550","28,415","31,083","33,619","33,957","34,185","34,385","34,540","34,992","35,291",,,, Sexc (thousands),,,,,,,,,,,,,, Male,"110,053","116,160","121,284","128,294","129,504","130,783","132,030","133,277","138,054","139,813",,,, Female,"116,493","122,576","127,507","134,510","135,724","137,001","138,218","139,414","143,368","144,984",,,, Metropolitan areasd (population in millions) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Large (over 1 million),119,U,139,147,149,151,153,U,162,U,,,, "Medium (250,000-999,999)",41,U,41,44,44,43,43,U,R45,U,, "Small (less than 250,000)",17,U,18,19,19,20,20,U,R19,U,, Rural / urbane (thousands),,,,,,,,,,,, Rural,"59,495",U,"61,656",U,U,U,U,U,"59,061",U,, Urban,"167,051",U,"187,053",U,U,U,U,U,"222,361",U,, Regionsf (millions),,,,,,,,,,,, Northeast,49.1,49.9,50.8,51.4,51.5,51.6,51.7,51.8,53.6,53.8,, South,75.4,81.4,85.5,91.8,92.9,94.2,95.3,96.5,100.2,101.8,, Midwest,58.9,58.8,59.7,62.0,62.4,62.7,63.0,63.2,64.4,64.7,, West,43.2,47.8,52.8,57.6,58.4,59.3,60.3,61.2,63.2,64.5,, Immigrants admittedg,"530,639","570,009","1,536,483","720,461","915,900","798,378","654,451","646,568","849,807","1,064,318",, Total areah (square miles) ,"3,618,770",U,"3,717,796",U,U,U,U,U,"3,794,083",U,, Gross domestic producti (chained $ 1996 billions) ,"4,900.9","5,717.1","6,707.9","7,543.8","7,813.2","8,159.5","8,508.9","R8,859.0","R9,191.4","9,214.5",, "Agriculture, forestry, fishing",66.5,97.5,118.3,123.1,130.4,143.7,145.5,R154.6,R166.7,163.9,, Manufacturing,832.3,987.9,"1,102.3","1,284.7","1,316.0","1,387.2","1,444.3","R1,513.9","R1,585.4","1,490.3",, Mining,90.6,96.2,105.8,113.0,113.0,117.0,119.7,R114.7,R101.9,106.8,, Construction,249.4,270.5,287.5,299.6,316.4,324.6,348.9,R367.8,R378.0,371.9,, Transportation,154.0,170.9,180.6,225.1,243.4,248.9,257.9,R268.6,R282.5,270.3,, Wholesale / retail trade,621.5,822.7,954.6,"1,124.4","1,216.7","1,329.4","1,463.3","R1,554.8","R1,659.4","1,699.9",, "Finance, insurance, real estate","1,003.1","1,125.5","1,250.6","1,393.0","1,436.8","1,520.8","1,622.1","R1,688.3","R1,793.5","1,843.5",, Services,928.1,"1,103.3","1,361.9","1,510.4","1,564.2","1,632.2","1,699.0","R1,768.4","R1,826.0","1,843.3",, Total civilian labor force (thousands),"106,940","115,461","125,840","132,304","133,943","136,297","137,673","139,368","140,863","141,815",, Participation rate of men (percent),77.4,76.3,76.4,75.0,74.9,75.0,74.9,74.7,R74.8,74.4,, Participation rate of women (percent),51.5,54.5,57.5,58.9,59.3,59.8,59.8,60.0,R59.9,59.8,, Number of households (thousands),"80,776","86,789","93,347","98,990","99,627","101,018","102,528","103,874","R104,705","108,209",, Average size of households,2.76,2.69,2.63,2.65,2.65,2.64,2.62,2.61,R2.62,2.58,, "Median household incomej,k (constant $ 2001) ","36,035","37,059","39,324","39,306","39,869","40,699","42,173","43,335","43,162","42,228",, Average household expendituresk (constant $ 2001) ,U,"36,858","37,273","37,215","37,965","38,295","38,540","39,297","39,107","39,518",, KEY: R = revised; U = data are not available.,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, "a Estimates as of July except 1980 and 1990, which are as of April 1.",,,,,,,,,,,, b Total population count has been revised since the 1980 census. Numbers by age have not been corrected and may not sum to total.,,,,,,,,,,,, c 1995 through 1999 data are estimates.,,,,,,,,,, "d Defined as Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas, as of July 1, 1994.",,,,,,,,,, e As of April 1 of year indicated. The Census Bureau only tabulates urban / rural numbers for the decennial census years.,,,,,,,,,, f As of July 1 for all years except 1980 and 1990.,,,,,,,,,, g Fiscal year ending September 30.,,,,,,,,,, "h The Census Bureau calculates square mileage comprising land and water area for the decennial census years. Data for 1980 comprises land and inland water. Data for 1990 comprises land, Great Lakes, inland water, and coastal water. Data for 2000 comprises land, Great Lakes, inland water, territorial water, and coastal water. ",,,,,,,,,, "i Estimates for 1980 and 1985 are shown on the basis of the 1972 Standard Industrial Code (SIC); 1990-2001 are based on the 1987 SIC. Values expressed as chained 1996 dollars using industry-specific, chain-type quantity indices from the Bureau of Economic Analysis.",,,,,,,,,, j Households as of March of following year. ,,,,,,,,,, k Converted to constant 2001 dollars using the CPI-U-RS price index.,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, SOURCES,,,,,,,,,, U.S. resident population:,,,,,,,,,, "1980-99: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States 2000 (Washington, DC: 2001), table 15.",,,,,,,,,, "2000-01: Ibid., Statistical Abstract of the United States 2002 (Washington, DC: 2003), table 15.",,,,,,,,,, Age:,,,,,,,,,, "1980-99: Ibid., Statistical Abstract of the United States 2000 (Washington, DC: 2001), table 12.",,,,,,,,,, "2000-01: Ibid., Statistical Abstract of the United States 2002 (Washington, DC: 2003), table 15.",,,,,,,,,, Sex:,,,,,,,,,, "1980-99: Ibid., Statistical Abstract of the United States 2000 (Washington, DC: 2001), table 10.",,,,,,,,,, "2000-01: Ibid., Statistical Abstract of the United States 2002 (Washington, DC: 2003), table 12.",,,,,,,,,, Metropolitan areas:,,,,,,,,,, "1980-90, 1998: Ibid., Statistical Abstract of the United States 2000 (Washington, DC: 2001), table 32.",,,,,,,,,, "2000: Ibid., Statistical Abstract of the United States 2002 (Washington, DC: 2003), table 28. ",,,,,,,,,, Rural / urban:,,,,,,,,,, "1980-1990: Ibid., Statistical Abstract of the United States 2000 (Washington, DC: 2001), table 37.",,,,,,,,,, "2000: Ibid., Census 2000: Summary File 2 (SF 2), Internet site as of June 18, 2003.",,,,,,,,,, Regions: ,,,,,,,,,, "1990-99: Ibid., Internet site as of Dec. 29, 1999.",,,,,,,,,, "2000-01: Ibid., Statistical Abstract of the United States 2002 (Washington, DC: 2003), table 18.",,,,,,,,,, Immigrants:,,,,,,,,,, "1980-85: Ibid., Statistical Abstract of the United States 1990 (Washington, DC: 1990), table 6.",,,,,,,,,, "1990-96: Ibid., Statistical Abstract of the United States 1998 (Washington, DC: 1998), table 6.",,,,,,,,,, "1997: U.S. Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Office of Policy and Planning, Statistics Branch, Annual Report, Legal Immigration, Fiscal Year 2000, No. 6, January 2002, Internet site as of June 18, 2003. ",,,,,,,,,, "1998-2001: U.S. Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Office of Policy and Planning, Statistics Branch, Annual Report, Legal Immigration, Fiscal Year 2001, No. 7, August 2002, Internet site as of June 18, 2003. ",,,,,,,,,, Total area:,,,,,,,,,, "U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States 2002 (Washington, DC:2003), table 1.",,,,,,,,,, Gross domestic product:,,,,,,,,,, "1980-90: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Current Business (Washington, DC: November 1997).",,,,,,,,,, "1995-96: Ibid., November 1998.",,,,,,,,,, "1997: Ibid., November 2001.",,,,,,,,,, "1998-2002: Ibid., November 2002.",,,,,,,,,, Civilian labor force:,,,,,,,,,, "U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States 2002 (Washington, DC: 2003), table 560.",,,,,,,,,, Participation rates:,,,,,,,,,, "U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey, Table 2, Employment Status of the Civilian Noninstitutional Population 16 years and Over by Sex, 1971 to Date, Internet site as of June 18, 2003.",,,,,,,,,, Number of households:,,,,,,,,,, "1980-2001: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey, Table HH-1, Households by Type: 1940 to Present, Internet site as of June 17, 2003.",,,,,,,,,, Average size of households:,,,,,,,,,, "1980-2001: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey, Table HH-6, Average Population Per Household and Family: 1940 to Present, Internet site as of June 17, 2003.",,,,,,,,,, Median household income:,,,,,,,,,, "Ibid., Current Population Survey, Table H-5, Race and Hispanic Origin of Householder -- Households by Median and Mean Income: 1967-2001, available at as of June 17, 2003.",,,,,,,,,, Average household expenditures:,,,,,,,,,, "U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Average Annual Expenditures and Characteristics of All Consumer Units, Consumer Expenditure Survey, 1984-92, Internet site as of June 17, 2003; Ibid., Average Annual Expenditures and Characteristics of All Consumer Units, Consumer Expenditure Survey, 1993-2001, Internet site as of June 17, 2003.",,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,