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Emissions Factors & Emissions Inventory Listservs

CHIEF Listserv Information

The Emission Inventory and Analysis Group (EIG) and the Measurement Policy Group (EFPAG) maintain the CHIEF Listserv. Once you subscribe to CHIEF you will receive notices of conferences, new EIG and EFPAG documents, and other emission factor and inventory information via e-mail. For more information about the CHIEF Listserv, contact the Info CHIEF Help Desk at (919) 541-1000.

To join the CHIEF Listserv, send an email to join-chief@lists.epa.gov

To unsubscribe from the listserv, send an email to leave-chief@lists.epa.gov

National Emission Inventory User's Group Listserv Information

In order to foster improved communication within and among the various EPA Offices, State/Local Agencies, Tribes, and others contributing to the preparation of the National Emission Inventory, we invite you to join the NEI-usergroup Listserv. We will use the listserv to communicate: 1) releases of and answers to questions related to NEI documentation, 2) releases of and answers to questions related to the actual NEI data, and 3) releases of and answers to questions related to NEI tools. For more information about the NEI Listserv, contact the Info CHIEF Help Desk at (919) 541-1000.

To join the NEI UsergroupListserv, send an email to join-nei-usergroup@lists.epa.gov

To unsubscribe, send an email to leave-nei-usergroup@lists.epa.gov

| Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards | Technology Transfer Network |
| Clearinghouse for Inventories & Emissions Factors |

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