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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
KANUTI:  Refuge of the Year!
Region 7, December 15, 2005
Deputy Manager Merry Maxwell Recieves Award from Secretary of the Interior Gail Norton
Deputy Manager Merry Maxwell Recieves Award from Secretary of the Interior Gail Norton
Refuge Manager Mike Spindler (on right), and Deputy Manager Merry Maxwell, Accept Award from Refuge Supervisor Jerry Stroebele.
Refuge Manager Mike Spindler (on right), and Deputy Manager Merry Maxwell, Accept Award from Refuge Supervisor Jerry Stroebele.
An Innovative Ramp on Kanuti Refuge.
An Innovative Ramp on Kanuti Refuge.

Manager Mike Spindler and Assistant Refuge Manager (ARM) Merry Maxwell received awards for Environmental Leadership, Environmental Excellence and Refuge of the Year on behalf of Kanuti Refuge during a project leaders meeting in October.  Kanuti Received the awards for efforts made to green the Yukon Flats, Arctic and Kanuti Refuge offices, innovative walk-way and boat launching systems developed for use at remote sites on Kanuti Refuge, outreach and environmental information provided at the Arctic Interagency Visitor Center in Coldfoot, Alaska, mobile spill response kit development, human waste disposal system use, energy-saving building design, and efforts to monitor invasive species on Kanuti. 

ARM Maxwell attended an Environmental Excellence award ceremony at Department of Interior headquarters in Washington DC to accept a national award for Environmental Achievement on behalf of the entire Kanuti staff.

The little Refuge that "talks the talk and walks the walk" continues to maintain high stewardship standards for Alaska and Refuges throughout the United States.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391, maeve_taylor@fws.gov