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Grant Opportunities

Date of Posting Announcement Number Announcement Title & Brief Summary Program Contact Closing Date Successful Proposals
03/19/09 EPA-R7AWMD-09-003
(PDF) (21 pp, 126K)
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EPA Region 7 is soliciting proposals for which undertake the implementation of the chemical accident prevention, preparedness, and response requirements under Sections 112(r) of the Clean Air Act (CAA). While this year’s grant program will primarily fund projects addressing prevention program implementation and emergency coordination with emergency responders, Region 7 continues to support other local efforts by providing guidance, technical assistance, and training. The amount of funding for this grant program is limited and will be used for chemical accident preparedness and prevention.

Please keep in mind that this opportunity is for a one-time project demonstration and not on-going general activities. The total estimated funding for this competitive opportunity is up to $75,000.00 and awarding up to four (4) projects from this announcement.
Tina Lowery 06/12/09  
03/10/09 EPA-R7AWMD-09-002
(PDF) (24 pp, 102K)
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Notice of Request for Proposals for Projects to be Funded from the Air Waste Management Division (AWMD), Indoor Air Quality Projects for Region 7 - CFDA 66.034 - Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstration and Special Purpose Activities Relating to the Clean Air Act. EPA Region 7 is soliciting proposals from organizations to fund indoor air quality (IAQ) projects that address the following two program priority areas: Assistance on the adoption of EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools program, and indoor asthma triggers and exposure education. Projects must occur within the states of EPA Region 7 – Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and/or Nebraska. Funding available is approximately $140,000 for grants ranging from $5,000 to $60,000. Robert Dye 05/05/09  
03/02/09 EPA-R7WWPD-09-002
(PDF) (36 pp, 214K)
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EPA Region 7 is soliciting Proposals for Wetland Program Development Grants (CFDA 66.461) to provide eligible applicants an opportunity to conduct projects that promote the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution. Project implementation must be within the states of EPA Region 7 specifically Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and/or Nebraska. Mandy Whitsitt 05/05/09  
01/09/09 EPA-R7AWMD-09-001
(PDF) (24 pp, 127K)
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Notice of Request for Proposals for Projects to be Funded from the Air and Waste Management Division (AWMD), Tribal Radon Projects for Region 7 - CFDA 66.032 – State and Tribal Indoor Radon Project Grants.  EPA Region 7 is soliciting proposals from Tribes to fund indoor radon projects.  Projects must occur within one or more of the four states within EPA Region 7 - Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.  There will be $25,000 for eligible applicants through assistance agreements ranging in size from no less than $10,000 to $25,000 (total Federal share).  EPA will make no more than two awards. Robert Dye 03/02/09  
01/09/09 EPA-R7WWPD-09-001
(PDF) (20 pp, 105K)
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Notice of Request for Proposals for Projects to be Funded from the EPA Region 7 Strategic Agricultural Initiative Grant (CFDA 66.716 - Surveys, Studies, Demonstrations, Educational Outreach, and Special Projects). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 is soliciting proposals to promote transition to reduced-risk pest management practices in agriculture within the area served by Region 7.  This area includes Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and nine tribal nations.  The Strategic Agricultural Initiative (SAI) program supports grants for education, outreach, demonstration, and implementation of reduced risk practices for agricultural pest management.  Region 7 estimates that approximately $100,000 will be available for awards under this competitive opportunity.  Funding will be available through grant agreements ranging from $30,000 to $100,000 (total EPA federal share). Heather Duncan 03/13/09  
07/11/08 EPA-R7WWPD-08-005
(PDF) (20 pp, 105K)
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The Environmental Protection Agency’s Region 7 (EPA or Region 7), Water, Wetlands and Pesticides Division, Water Quality Management Branch, is soliciting proposals from eligible agencies/organizations for the coordination and acceleration of research, studies, experiments, investigations, and demonstration projects to improve the capacity of Region 7 states (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and/or Nebraska) to effectively and efficiently assess Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) capacities for impaired waterbodies throughout the region. EPA will not provide funding to state environmental agencies for “routine” TMDL work that the Agency supports with grants under §§ 106 and 319 of the Clean Water Act (CWA); production of TMDLs must be an incidental by-product of the activities EPA funds under this competitive announcement. This notice sets forth the process that will be used for selecting awards. The total estimated funding available for awards under this announcement is approximately $400,000. The number of expected awards is approximately 10, with an expected range of award of $10,000 - $90,000. However, proposals requesting funding below or above the expected range of award will be considered. Debby White 08/29/08 Successful Applicant Listing
06/03/08 EPA-R7-AWMD-08-003
(PDF) (21 pp, 120K)
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EPA Region 7 is soliciting proposals for which undertake the implementation of the chemical accident prevention, preparedness, and response requirements under Sections 112(r) of the Clean Air Act (CAA). While this year’s grant program will primarily fund projects addressing prevention program implementation and emergency coordination with emergency responders, Region 7 continuesto support other local efforts by providing guidance, technical assistance, and training. The amount of funding for this grant program is limited and will be used for chemical accident preparedness and prevention.

Please keep in mind that this opportunity is for a one-time project demonstration and not on-going general activities. The total estimated funding for this competitive opportunity is $90,000.00 and awarding up to four (4) projects from this announcement.
Lachala Kemp 07/17/08  
05/15/08 EPA-HQ-OPPT-08-009 The EPA is soliciting proposals for the Source Reduction Assistance Grant Program (CFDA 66.717).
Under the SRA Grant Program, EPA will provide grants and/or cooperative agreements to fund pollution prevention (source reduction and resource conservation) activities. EPA is interested in funding projects which assist in reducing hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants entering waste streams or otherwise released into the environment (including fugitive emissions) prior to recycling, treatment, disposal or energy recovery activities. This solicitation announces that nine of the EPA's Regional Pollution Prevention Program Offices anticipates having up to approximately $130,000, per region, or anticipates having up to approximately $1,090,000 in total award funding to issue SRA awards in FY 2008 – FY 2009. All funding will be awarded and managed by the nine EPA Regional P2 Program Offices participating in this announcement. All of the forgoing estimates are subject to the availability of appropriations.
Gary Schlicht 06/09/08  
05/12/08 EPA-R7AWMD-08-002
(PDF) (21 pp, 120K)
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Notice of Request for Proposals for Projects to be Funded from the Air Waste Management Division (AWMD), Indoor Air Quality Projects for Region 7 - CFDA 66.034 - Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstration and Special Purpose Activities Relating to the Clean Air Act. EPA Region 7 is soliciting proposals from organizations to fund indoor air quality (IAQ) projects that address the following two program priority areas: Assistance on the adoption of EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools program, and indoor asthma triggers and exposure education. Projects must occur within the states of EPA Region 7 – Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and/or Nebraska. Robert Dye 06/23/08  
04/10/08 EPA-R7WWPD-08-004
(PDF)(32 pp, 209K)
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EPA Region 7 is soliciting Proposals for Wetland Program Development Grants (CFDA 66.461) to provide eligible applicants an opportunity to conduct projects that promote the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution. Project implementation must be within the states of EPA Region 7 specifically Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and/or Nebraska.
Questions and Answers
Mandy Whitsitt 06/02/08  
03/07/08 EPA-HQ-OPPT-08-006 The EPA is soliciting proposals for the Pollution Prevention Grant Program (CFDA 66.708). The Pollution Prevention Grant Program supports State and Tribal technical assistance programs which help businesses identify better environmental strategies and solutions for reducing or eliminating waste at the source. EPA anticipates it will award approximately $4.1 million in total program funding during Fiscal Year (FY) 2008. Grants will be awarded and managed by each of EPA's ten Regional Pollution Prevention Program Offices. Grant amounts awarded are dependent on the Congressional appropriations for this program and the quality of proposals received.

Please be informed that a supplement has been added to the P2 grant program's FY08 RFP.

To help applicants more fully understand the importance of providing EPA with P2 measurement data, a set a questions and answers have been developed to help grant applicants understand why they have to measure, how to measure, why measurement aids their work, and how EPA will review measurement.

The questions and answers will be posted to the following website: http://www.epa.gov/p2/pubs/grants/index.htm

The RFP will also be amended to note that these questions and answers are available and where applicants can locate them.
Gary Schlicht 04/16/08  
03/07/08 EPA-R7WWPD-08-003
(PDF)(24 pp, 155K)
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Notice of Request for Proposals for Projects to be Funded from the Water, Wetlands and Pesticides Division (WWPD), Strategic Agricultural Initiative Grant (CFDA 66.716 - Surveys, Studies, Demonstrations, Educational Outreach, and Special Projects). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 is soliciting proposals to support efforts by the agricultural community to “transition” away from high-risk pesticides to the use of less and reduced-risk pesticides, alternative methods of agricultural pest control, and sustainable practices in food production.  The Strategic Agricultural Initiative (SAI) program supports grants for education, extension, demonstration, and implementation of reduced risk practices for pest management. Heather Duncan 05/16/08  
03/07/08 EPA-R7WWPD-08-002 (PDF)(21 pp, 125K)
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Notice of Request for Proposals for Projects to be Funded from the Water, Wetlands, and Pesticide Division (WWPD), to Develop a Manual to Define Critical Areas in Region 7 Watersheds - CFDA 66.111 – Regional Environmental Priority Projects.  The grant will provide an eligible applicant an opportunity to develop a detailed manual to define critical areas and target best management practices for water quality.  The RFP is intended for an applicant that has completed a watershed assessment and has defined their critical areas to target best management practices in their watershed.  The goal is the development of a manual to provide education and technology transfer to other watershed groups or watershed practioners.  Project implementation must be within the states of EPA Region 7 - Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and/or Nebraska.  EPA Region 7 Water, Wetlands, and Pesticides Division intends to award an estimated $20,000 to an eligible applicant through assistance agreements. Mandy Whitsitt 04/21/08  
2/27/08 EPA-R7WWPD-08-001
(PDF)(24 pp, 150K)
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Notice of Request for Proposals for Projects to be Funded from the Water, Wetlands, and Pesticide Division (WWPD), Identifying Critical Areas and Targeting Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Water Quality in Region 7 Priority Watersheds - CFDA 66.463 – Water Quality Cooperative Agreements.  The grant(s) to be awarded under this RFP will provide an eligible applicant an opportunity to complete a detailed watershed assessment in at least one of the priority watersheds identified by Region 7 by identifying critical areas and target best management practices (BMPs) by a modeling approach.  Project implementation must occur within the states of EPA Region 7 - Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and/or Nebraska.  EPA Region 7 Water, Wetlands, and Pesticides Division intends to award an estimated $98,000 to an eligible applicant through an assistance agreement. Mandy Whitsitt 04/16/08  
12/20/07 EPA-R7AWMD-08-001 (PDF)(18 pp, 101K)
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IMPORTANT NOTICE:  As reflected in the modified RFP, the deadline for submitting proposals for this RFP has been extended to March 24, 2008.  Proposals which were submitted prior to March 24, 2008 can be replaced by applicants with updated versions - as desired. All such replacement proposals must also be received by March 24, 2008.  However, APPLICANTS WHO HAVE already submitted a proposal under this announcement DO NOT NEED TO REAPPLY and NO FURTHER ACTION IS REQUIRED.

Tribal Air Grants Request for Proposals (CFDA 66.038)
U.S. EPA is soliciting grant proposals for programs and projects designed to address ambient air quality issues throughout Indian Country in Region 7. Projects will support short-term projects aimed at conducting and promoting research, investigations, experiments, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects (including health and welfare effects), extent, prevention and control of air pollution.
Robert Fenemore 03/24/08  
07/02/07 EPA-R7ARTD-07-004 (PDF)(24 pp, 127K)
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting proposals from local and state governments, non­profit organizations, and local and federally recognized Indian Tribal Governments, for retrofit and/or replacement projects that reduce pollution from school buses within the Blue Skyways Collaborative states of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, through the use of EPA verified or certified and/or California Air Resources Board verified pollution reduction technologies. There is a minimum 5% cost-­share required for these projects. Alan Banwart 09/21/07  
05/29/07 EPA-R7ARTD-07-002 (PDF)(17 pp, 118K)
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US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 is soliciting proposals for projects under the under the Clean Air Act. (CFDA 66.034) The purpose of this notice for Indoor Air Quality Projects is to help increase the number of people experiencing healthier indoor air in homes, schools and office buildings. Grants will be made) for research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys and studies related to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reductions and elimination of air pollution in any of the following high priority subject areas: (1) IAQ Tools for Schools, (2) Asthma, or (3) ETS (Environmental Tobacco Smoke).
Robert Dye 07/09/07 Successful Applicant Listing
05/03/07 EPA-OPPT-07-02 The EPA is soliciting proposals for the Source Reduction Assistance Grants Program (CFDA 66.717). Grant dollars will be available to support pollution prevention/source reduction and/or resource conservation projects that help to eliminate pollution at the source. The grant program does not support projects that rely on reducing pollution by using recycling and/or disposal methods.
Gary Schlicht 06/18/07  
04/20/07 EPA-R7WWPD-07-002 (PDF)(24 pp, 178K)
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 is soliciting proposals to help implement the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) and to support efforts by the agricultural community to “transition” away from high risk pesticides to the use of less and reduced risk pesticides, alternative methods of agricultural pest control, and sustainable practices in food production. The program supports grants for education, extension, demonstration, and studies for FQPA transition and reduced risk practices for pest management in agriculture. Heather Duncan 06/05/07 Successful Applicant Listing
03/20/07 EPA-R7WWPD-07-001 (PDF)(25 pp, 221K)
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EPA Region 7 is soliciting Proposals for Wetland Program Development Grants (CFDA 66.461) to provide eligible applicants an opportunity to conduct projects that promote the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution. Project implementation must be within the states of EPA Region 7 specifically Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and/or Nebraska.
Questions and Answers
Mandy Whitsitt 05/03/07 Successful Applicant Listing
02/07/07 EPA-OPPT-06-51 The EPA is soliciting proposals for the Pollution Prevention Grant Program (CFDA 66.708). Grant dollars are targeted at state and tribal technical assistance programs that help businesses and industries identify better environmental strategies and solutions for reducing or eliminating waste at the source across all environmental media: air, land and water. Gary Schlicht 04/02/07  
06/09/06 EPA-R7ARTD-06-008 (PDF)(22 pp, 134K)
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IMPORTANT NOTICE:  The deadline for submitting proposals for this RFP has been extended to September 26, 2006. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting proposals from local and state governments, nonprofit organizations, and local and federally recognized Indian Tribal Governments, for retrofit and/or replacement projects that reduce pollution from school buses within the Blue Skyways Collaborative states of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas, as well as New Mexico, through the use of EPA verified or certified and/or California Air Resources Board verified pollution reduction technologies. Alan Banwart 09/26/06  
05/26/06 EPA-R7ARTD-06-006 (PDF)(9 pp, 84K)
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Region 7 is soliciting applications for Tribal Radon Projects in support of the Indoor Radon Abatement Act (IRAA) of 1988, which authorizes EPA to fund Tribal agencies to conduct outreach in the tribal community, provide testing in homes, schools and offices, encourage mitigation for elevated indoor radon exposures, and promote radon-resistant new construction techniques. Project implementation must occur within one or more of the four states within EPA Region 7 which are Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska. Vickie Angel 07/31/06  
04/26/06 EPA-R7ARTD-06-004 (PDF)(12 pp, 97K)
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EPA is soliciting Proposals for projects which use outreach, education and/or training methods comparable to or consistent with such efforts as EPA’s Smoke-free Home Pledge Campaign, the Indoor Air QualityTools for schools kit, or asthma outreach and education campaign (CFDA 66.034) under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 103(b)(3). For more information please go to http://www.epa.gov/iaq.

All projects must occur within one or more of the four states within EPA Region 7 - Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.
Robert Dye 06/14/06  
04/06/06 EPA-R7WWPD-06-003 (PDF)(26 pp, 121K)
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EPA Region 7 is soliciting Proposals for Wetland Program Development Grants (CFDA 66.461) to provide eligible applicants an opportunity to conduct projects that promote the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution. Project implementation must be within the states of EPA Region 7 specifically Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and/or Nebraska. Mandy Whitsitt 05/18/06 Successful Applicant Listing
02/08/06 EPA-R7WWPD-06-002 (PDF)(22 pp, 204K)
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Watershed Improvement Grants (CFDA 66.111) EPA Region 7 is requesting proposals that will include and directly result in on-the-ground activities which will result in chemical, physical and/or biological improvements in water quality in a watershed over the short, intermediate, and/or long term. Additional emphasis will be placed on those projects that address agricultural pesticides. We expect this could be accomplished by leveraging these funds with ongoing efforts currently, recently, or reasonably expected to be funded. Project implementation must be within the states of EPA Region 7 specifically Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and/or Nebraska. Questions and Answers Jeannette Schafer 05/11/06 Successful Applicant Listing
11/04/05 EPA-R7OEP-06-001 (PDF)(29 pp, 320K)
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Environmental Education (CFDA 66.951) EPA is soliciting grant proposals to support environmental education projects that promote environmental stewardship and help develop aware and responsible students, teachers, and citizens. This grant program provides financial support for projects which design, demonstrate, or disseminate environmental education practices, methods, or techniques as described in this notice. Important Note: Grant requests for more than $50,000 in federal funds must be sent to the EPA Office in Washington, D.C. All other requests of $50,000 or less in federal funds must be sent to Region 7. See Section 6B of the announcement for more information Denise Morrison 11/23/05  
05/31/05 EPA-R7ARTD-05-008 (PDF)(18 pp, 90K)
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EPA Region 7 is soliciting applications for the Source Reduction Assistance Program (CFDA 66.717) This guidance supplements the National solicitation located at: http://www.epa.gov/p2/grants/srap05.htm. Grant dollars are targeted at States, the District of Columbia, any territory or possession of the United States, local governments, city or township governments, independent school district governments, state controlled institutions of higher education, Federally-recognized tribal governments, non-profits (other than institutions of higher education), private institutions of higher education, and community-based grassroots organizations. Gary Schlicht 06/20/05  
04/18/05 EPA-R7WWPD-05-006 (PDF)(19 pp, 141K)
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EPA Region 7 is soliciting Proposals for Wetland Program Development Grants (CFDA 66.461) to provide eligible applicants an opportunity to conduct projects that promote the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution. Melissa Bertelsen 06/02/05 Successful Applicant Listing
04/13/05 EPA-R7WWPD-05-005 (PDF)(14 pp, 535K)
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EPA is soliciting proposals for Water Quality Cooperative Agreement (CFDA 66.463) activities which support the Clean Water Act 104(b)(3). These proposals support developing, implementing, and demonstrating innovative approaches relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution Mandy Techau 05/31/05 Successful Applicant Listing
04/08/05 EPA-R7ARTD-05-004 (PDF)(10 pp, 90K)
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EPA is soliciting Proposals for projects which use outreach, education and/or training methods comparable to or consistent with such efforts as EPA’s Smoke-free Home Pledge Campaign, the Indoor Air QualityTools for schools kit, or asthma outreach and education campaign (CFDA 66.034) under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 103(b)(3). For more information please go to http://www.epa.gov/iaq.

All projects must occur within one or more of the four states within EPA Region 7 - Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.
Robert Dye 05/26/05 Successful Applicant
04/07/05 EPA-R7ARTD-05-003 (PDF)(16 pp, 129K)
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EPA Region 7 is soliciting applications for the Pollution Prevention Grant Program (CFDA 66.708). This guidance supplements the National solicitation located at: http://www.epa.gov/p2/grants Grant dollars are targeted at State and Tribal technical assistance programs that address the reduction or elimination of pollution across all environmental media: air, land, and water. Gary Schlicht 05/20/05 Successful Applicant
04/05/05 EPA-R7OEP-05-002 (PDF)(22 pp, 73K)
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Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) Program (CFDA 66.035) EPA announces a new program opportunity designed to establish a series of multi-media, community-based and community-driven projects to reduce local exposure to toxic pollution. EPA is partnering with communities to help them create collaborative stakeholder groups that may include community organizations, other non-profits, state and local government agencies, other federal agencies, businesses, and academia. Stakeholder groups will select and implement local voluntary actions that reduce local exposure to toxics and will provide technical assistance by helping communities identify and access opportunities through a wide range of voluntary programs. Kathleen Fenton 05/20/05  
02/22/05 EPA-R7RGAD-05-001 (PDF)(47 pp, 756K)
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Office of Environmental Justice Small Grants Program. Region 7 is interested in supporting proposals from affected local community-based organizations which are working on local solutions to local environmental and/or public health problems. Applicants must demonstrate the ability to form collaborative partnerships between local community-based organizations and others (industry, federal, state, and local governments, academia, and environmental organizations) in addressing local environmental and/or public health issues. There are no additional Region 7 modifications to the linked application guidance. Monica Espinosa 04/04/05 Successful Applicant
05/19/04 EPA-R7WWPD-04-012 (PDF)(8 pp, 112K)
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Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Development and Implementation in Region 7. EPA R7 is soliciting proposals which assist the states and tribes in EPA Region 7 in support of the Clean Water Act Section 104(b)(3) by (1) developing TMDLs required by the Clean Water Act, or (2) conducting monitoring as provided in the Monitoring Plans of existing approved TMDLs, or (3) reopening existing approved TMDLs where needed. Don Miller 07/20/04  
05/18/04 EPA-R7WWPD-04-011 (PDF)(9 pp, 35K)
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Wetland Program Development Grants. EPA Region 7 is soliciting proposals from eligible applicants for Wetland Program Development Grants which support the Clean Water Act 104(b)(3). Projects would promote the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution. Questions and Answers Jeannette Schafer 06/29/04 Successful Applicant Listing
05/14/04 EPA-R7ENSV-04-010 (PDF)(10 pp, 352K)
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Request for Applications for Projects Funded by the Office of Science and Technology Health and Ecological Criteria Division (CFDA 66.436- Supports the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys and studies relating to the Clean Water Act, Section 104(b)(3)) EPA requests proposals which support eutrophication research within various ecoregions and water bodies nationwide. Gary Welker 06/24/04  
05/07/04 EPA-R7WWPD-04-009 (PDF)(9 pp, 36K)
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IMPORTANT NOTE: This notice reflects changes to Sections 3B, 3C, 4B, 4F, 5B, and 6B of the original solicitation.. The remainder of this notice includes the content of the initial announcement and remains unchanged. Proposals previously submitted under this announcement are not required to be resubmitted unless corrections are necessary due to the changes contained in this notice

Water, Wetlands, and Pesticides Division. EPA R7 is soliciting initial proposals for Water Quality Cooperative Agreement activities which support the Clean Water Act 104(b)(3). These proposals support developing, implementing, and demonstrating innovative approaches relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution.

Jeannette Schafer 07/07/04 Successful Applicant List
04/12/04 EPA-R7ARTD-04-007 (PDF)(5 pp, 122 K)
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Lead Education and Awareness Project in St. Louis, Missouri. EPA Region 7 is soliciting initial proposals for recipients to develop and implement a lead study in high risk communities in St. Louis, Missouri. Proposals should address education, awareness, and compliance with the EPA Real Estate Disclosure Rule. This lead study will focus on tenant and landlord education and awareness of the hazards, and exposure reduction methods that may be used to lessen the risk of childhood poisoning. Patricia Scott 06/11/04  
04/09/04 EPA-R7ARTD-04-008 (PDF)(10 pp, 63K)
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National Pollution Prevention (P2) Grants and Announcement of Financial Assistance Programs Eligible for Review, Notice of Availability. This national request for proposals was published in the Federal Register, Volume 69, Number 69, on Friday, April 9, 2004.

Note: Region 7 has developed Supplementary Guidance to the National Request for P2 Grant Proposals. Region 7 is interested in supporting States and Tribal technical assistance programs that address the reduction or elimination of pollution across all environmental media: air, land, and water. Region 7 has identified activities addressing Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic Chemicals (PBTs) and Agriculture as priorities for FY04.

Gary Bertram 05/26/04 Successful Applicant List
03/19/04 EPA-R7RGAD-04-006 (PDF)(8 pp, 132K)
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Regional Geographic Initiative. EPA Region 7 is soliciting initial proposals which address the Region’s strategic priorities: critical ecosystems, sensitive populations, and agriculture. The critical ecosystem priority focuses on facilitating the protection and/or restoration of ecosystems in Region 7, which are critical to biodiversity, human quality of life, and/or landscape functions. The sensitive populations priority focuses on reducing environmental and health risks to children, older adults, and people with chronic illness. The agriculture priority focuses on developing partnerships and projects in the agriculture community emphasizing cleaner air, purer water, and better protected land.
Toni Gargas 05/25/04 Successful Applicant List
03/01/04 EPA-R7WWPD-04-005 (PDF)(29 pp, 645K)
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Office of Environmental Justice Hazardous Substance Research Small Grants Program. This national request for proposals was published in the Federal Register, Volume 69, No. 40, on Monday, March 1, 2004.

Region 7 is interested in supporting proposals from affected local community-based organizations for research in nature projects, that examine issues related to the community’s exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks. There are no additional Region 7 modifications to the linked application guidance.

Please note - the linked document may take a few minutes to open.

Monica Espinosa 04/30/04 Successful Applicant Listing
02/27/04 EPA-R7ARTD-04-003 (PDF)(10 pp, 210K)
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Source Reduction Assistance Grant Program. Region 7 is interested in supporting source reduction/pollution prevention and resource conservation projects that will provide an overall benefit to the environment by preventing the generation of pollutants at the source. The goal of this grant program is to assist businesses and industries in identifying better environmental strategies and solutions for reducing waste at the source. Gary Bertram 04/30/04 Successful Applicant Listing
02/20/04 EPA-R7ARTD-04-002
(PDF)(6 pp, 24K)
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Indoor Air Quality. EPA Region 7 is soliciting initial proposals for the following indoor air quality areas: to implement EPA’s Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program, to complete in-home asthma education projects, and to support environmental tobacco smoke education, all in support of the Clean Air Act, Section 103(b)(3). Robert Dye 04/23/04 Successful Applicant List
02/19/04 R7WWPD-04-001 (PDF) (5 pp, 35K)
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Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) Strategic Agriculture Initiative. EPA Region 7 is requesting proposals which will help implement requirements of the FQPA, and to support a transition to using less and lower risk pesticides in food production. The program supports innovative efforts that enable growers to decrease reliance on pesticides while maintaining economical outcomes, by developing, and/or applying reduced-risk alternatives and ecologically-based integrated approaches to pest management. Brad Horchem 04/23/04  
05/01/03 R7ENSV-03-008
(PDF) (10 pp, 36K)
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Notice of Request for Initial Proposals for Projects to be Funded from the Office of Science & Technology, Health and Ecological Criteria Division allocation (CFDA 66.436 - Surveys, Studies, Investigations Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Water Quality Projects authorized by the Clean Water Act, Section 104(b)). EPA is soliciting initial proposals to support eutrophication research within various ecoregions and waterbodies nationwide and to support the development and implementation of biological assessments and criteria.

Gary Welker 06/02/03  
04/08/03 R7WWPD-03-007 (PDF) (6 pp, 21K)
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Notice of Request for Initial Proposals for Projects to be Funded from the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Allocation (CFDA 66.436 - Surveys, Studies, Investigations Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Water Quality Projects authorized by the Clean Water Act, Section 104(b)). EPA is soliciting initial proposals to implement one of Region 7's water quality initiatives. A TMDL is the sum of the allowable loads of a single pollutant from all contributing point and non-point sources. The TMDL calculation must include a margin of safety to ensure that the water body can be used for the purposes the State has designated. The calculation must also account for seasonal variation in water quality. Federal funds are available for projects that lead to the completion of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) or contribute toward the development of a TMDL or multiple TMDLs under Section 104 (b)(3) of the Clean Water Act.

Patricia Reitz 06/09/03 Successful Applicant List
03/21/03 R7WWPD-03-005 (PDF)(4 pp, 60K)
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 IMPORTANT NOTE: This Request for Proposals was published in the Federal Register, Volume 67, No. 165, on Monday, August 26, 2002. The Full Text of the Federal Register Notice is available by accessing the link provided in this notice and should be read in conjunction with the supplementary information provided in this announcement. This time frame for submission of initial proposals under this solicitation has been extended until April 30, 2003. The Supplementary Information also provides clarification regarding certain requirements which apply to this solicitation (matching contributions, etc). Proposals previously submitted under this announcement are not required to be resubmitted unless corrections are necessary due to the clarifications contained in this notice.

Notice of Request for Initial Proposals for Projects to be Funded From the Wetland Program Development Grants allocation (CFDA 66.461 - Wetland Program Development Grants). Wetland Program Development Grants (WPDGs) provide eligible applicants an opportunity to conduct projects that promote the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution.

Raju Kakarlap 04/30/03  
03/21/03 R7ARTD-03-006
(PDF) (9 pp, 110K)
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 IMPORTANT NOTE: This Solicitation was published in the Federal Register, Volume 68, No. 46, on Monday,
March 10, 2003. The Full Text of the Federal Register Notice is available by accessing the link provided in this notice and should be read in conjunction with the supplementary information provided in this announcement.

Notice of Request for Initial Proposals for Projects to be Funded From the Pollution Prevention Grant allocation (CFDA 66.708 - Pollution Prevention Grants). Pollution Prevention Grants provide funding to eligible applicants for projects that address the reduction or elimination of pollution across environmental media (air, land, and water) and to strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of pollution prevention technical assistance programs in providing source reduction information to businesses.

Gary Bertram 04/30/03  
03/19/03 R7WWPD-03-004 (PDF) (6 pp, 21K)
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 EPA is soliciting initial proposals to implement Region 7's water quality cooperative agreements program through application of comprehensive watershed approaches to water quality issues. In FY03, Region 7 will continue to support a broad vision of watershed protection, including a collaborative approach to protecting and restoring water quality in priority watersheds. Emphasis will be placed on projects that focus on watersheds and community based approaches, ranging from statewide targeting schemes to local watershed-based projects. These may include, but are not limited to, monitoring and assessment strategies and/or implementation; development of comprehensive watershed management plans, including innovative storm water management approaches and smart growth applications; studies related to emerging issues such as pharmaceuticals in ambient waters; innovative approaches to addressing water quality effects related to animal agriculture; and development and execution of TMDL implementation plans. Projects supporting the Regional Priority Themes of agriculture, sensitive populations, and critical ecosystems will also be f Julie Elfving 05/21/03  
02/11/03 R7RGAD-03-003
(PDF) (6 pp, 22K)
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EPA is soliciting initial proposals to implement Region 7's strategic priorities: critical ecosystems, sensitive populations, and agriculture. The critical ecosystem priority focuses on facilitating the protection and/or restoration of ecosystems in Region 7 which are critical to biodiversity, human quality of life, and/or landscape functions. The sensitive populations priority focuses on reducing environmental and health risks to children, older adults, and people with chronic illnesses. The agriculture priority focuses on developing partnerships and projects in the agriculture community emphasizing cleaner air, purer water, and better protected Karen Flournoy 04/14/03 Successful Applicant List
01/13/03 R7WWPD-03- 002 (PDF)(6 pp, 28K)
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EPA is soliciting proposals to help implement the Food Quality Protection Act and to support transition to using less and lower risk pesticides in food production. The program supports innovative efforts that enable growers to decrease reliance on agricultural pesticides while maintaining economical outcomes, by developing, demonstrating and/or applying reduced-risk alternatives and ecologically-based integrated approaches to pest management. Brad Horchem 03/13/03 Successful Applicant Listing
12/09/02 R7ARTD-03-001
(PDF) (6 pp, 25K)
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Air Quality Projects - EPA is soliciting initial proposals for the following indoor air quality areas: to implement EPA's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program, to complete in-home asthma education projects, to support environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) education, and to support radon outreach with emphasis on real estate and radon resistant new construction (CFDA 66.034) under the Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 103(b)(3). Robert Dye 02/10/03 Successful Applicant Listing

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