Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Table 3-27a: Transportation Revenues by Mode and Level of Government, Fiscal Year

(Current $ millions)

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  (R) 1995 (R) 1996 (R) 1997 (R) 1998 (R) 1999 (R) 2000 (R) 2001 (R) 2002 (R) 2003 2004 2005 2006
TOTAL, all modes 94,548 97,591 101,257 112,733 129,743 128,073 125,480 131,412 132,774 136,328 146,856 150,492
Federal 30,478 31,188 31,960 39,442 52,567 47,147 43,197 45,914 46,434 46,284 51,284 52,244
State and local 64,070 66,403 69,297 73,291 77,176 80,926 82,284 85,497 86,340 90,044 95,572 98,248
Highway, total 67,544 72,729 74,116 79,921 92,577 90,980 86,994 91,412 92,310 96,189 103,564 102,688
Federal 22,200 25,981 25,316 28,638 39,308 34,985 31,486 33,297 34,421 35,107 38,747 39,191
State and local 45,344 46,748 48,801 51,283 53,269 55,995 55,509 58,114 57,889 61,082 64,817 63,497
Air, total 14,518 11,899 13,879 19,034 22,054 22,298 23,248 24,532 24,212 23,130 25,645 27,072
Federal 6,291 3,128 4,488 8,682 11,089 10,544 10,103 11,282 10,597 9,652 10,797 11,137
State and local 8,227 8,771 9,391 10,352 10,965 11,754 13,145 13,250 13,615 13,478 14,848 15,935
Railroads, Total 36 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Federal 36 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transit, total 8,575 8,753 9,006 9,417 10,587 10,670 10,922 11,448 11,906 12,377 12,512 15,117
State and local 8,575 8,753 9,006 9,417 10,587 10,670 10,922 11,448 11,906 12,377 12,512 15,117
Water, total 3,832 4,168 4,216 4,323 4,486 4,058 4,250 3,937 4,279 4,569 5,070 5,536
Federal 1,909 2,037 2,117 2,084 2,131 1,551 1,543 1,252 1,349 1,462 1,676 1,837
State and local 1,923 2,131 2,099 2,239 2,355 2,507 2,707 2,685 2,930 3,107 3,394 3,699
Pipeline, total 35 31 30 29 30 40 44 57 57 55 56 58
Federal: Pipeline Safety Fund 35 31 30 29 30 40 44 57 57 55 56 58
General support, total 7 9 9 9 9 26 21 26 10 8 8 21
Federal: Emergency Preparedness Fund 7 9 9 9 9 26 21 26 10 8 8 21

Key: R = Revised.


Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.

Local government receipts from highway are not included in 2006.

Government transportation revenues consist of money collected by governments from transportation user charges and taxes to finance transportation programs. The following types of receipts are excluded: 1) revenues collected from users of the transportation system that are directed to the general fund and used for non-transportation purposes, 2) non-transportation general fund revenues that are used to finance transportation programs and 3) proceeds from borrowing.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Government Transportation Financial Statistics 2008.

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