

Women's Capital Connection
Women Investing In Women



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 Helping women entrepreneurs grow their business Minimize

The Kansas Women’s Business Center (KWBC) is a resource for women entrepreneurs in the metro Kansas City community who have the intention to increase the growth of their businesses. With a large network of partnering organizations and referrals, KWBC can connect entrepreneurs with resources that are best suited to assist them with their business development challenges.

Getting started
Looking for the right resources to grow your business? Thinking of starting your own business? The Kansas Women’s Business Center will help assess your needs! We invite you to browse our site and discover the many resources available to you: Workshops, Online Training, Mentoring Roundtables, Referrals and more.

Need some help getting started? Click the appropriate icon below to learn about programs and resources designed just for you.


 Premier Program: Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Roundtables Minimize

KWBC's peer-to-peer mentoring roundtable program is recognized as one of our premier business development programs. These fee-based roundtables are facilitated by highly-qualified, experienced facilitators. Participants, limited to 10 women per roundtable, meet for three hours monthly for:

  • Guidance on understanding financial statements
  • Assistance with developing a strategic marketing plan
  • Understanding staffing needs and issues
  • Sales growth strategies
  • Creating and keeping good customer relationships 

Topics addressed include organization, marketing, public relations, cash flow, employees and strategic planning among others. Participants are grouped with non-competing companies outside their industry by:

  • Size of business (revenues and employees)
  • Length of time in business
  • Growth goals

Our goal is for women business owners to come in with issues and concerns, and leave with clear and practical ideas and solutions.

Our highly successful existing roundtables currently have openings.  For more information, please contact jmathews@kansaswbc.com.

Roundtable testimonial:
"Joining the mentoring roundtable at the Kansas Women's Business Center immediately provided me with resources I could not imagine. Six women business owners bringing six business experiences and expertise to share in one room. We share our growth strategies and company improvement ideas once a month for three hours, and there is more information in those three hours than I could ever obtain on my own. Measurable growth strategies for my company using our shared pool of information is one of my goals. The friendship and exchange are immeasurable."
-Karen Zecy
 President, American Micro


The Kansas Women's Business Center (KWBC) is partially funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).  SBA's funding is not an endorsement of any products, opinions, or services. All SBA funded programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. 


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