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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
AK PENINSULA: Wolf Ecology Project
Region 7, May 7, 2007

As part of a cooperative effort between the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the Alaska Department of Fish & Game, wildlife biologists captured wolves to radio collar them on the Alaska Peninsula. Biologists recorded information for all of the wolves captured including the sex, estimated age, reproductive status, body condition and weight of each animal. They also collected blood samples to determine the general health of the wolves and to test for any presence of common wolf diseases such as rabies, distemper and mange. Each wolf was visually inspected for the presence of dog-biting lice, which are known to infect wolves elsewhere in Alaska. During operations in March 2007, biologists captured a total of 15 wolves that are associated with at least six separate and distinct packs. This brings the current project total to 25 radio-collared wolves within the study area. The estimated ages for the eight male and seven female wolves range from one to six years. Estimated body condition, in other words over-all health, for the captured wolves was considered to be average for wolves in Alaska. Individual weights for male and female wolves ranged from 82-115 pounds and 61-92 pounds respectively. Successful capture operations and the outfitting of additional wolves with radio-collars represents substantial progress for the project. Additional operations will continue through the summer field season.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391, maeve_taylor@fws.gov