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University of Louisville

Summer Environmental Health Sciences Training Program
Russell A. Prough, Ph.D.
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
T35 ES14559

The program is a short-term, summer training program for medical students focused on exposing students to career opportunities in basic and clinical research related to environmental health sciences. It provides both: (1) Hands-on training in basic and clinical Environmental Heath Sciences-based research to medical students in a structured, mentored environment; and, (2) An interactive, educational experienced that introduces medical students to the fundamental skills necessary for basic, translational, and clinical Environmental Health Sciences-based research. The training program includes both didactic instruction as well as a hands-on-research experience under the direction of a team of experienced basic and clinical research scientists centered on a core of NIEHS-funded investigators and collaborating faculty. These faculty have long-standing successes in mentoring medical and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Students who have completed at least one year of medical school will be eligible to apply for the 10-week training program. Trainees will be selected based upon their academic performance, letters of recommendation, and matching their research interests and career goals with suitable mentors. Students participate in an established 10-week didactic summer program: “From Bench to Bedside: Introduction to Clinical Research”, which includes bioethics, as well as Environmental Health Sciences-specific seminars and journal clubs in basic and clinical research. Students present posters of their research at the end of the program.

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Last Reviewed: April 16, 2007