Table 6-2a,,, Canadian Merchandise Trade With Mexico and the,,, United States by Mode of Transportation,,, (Thousands of U.S. short tons),,, ,,, ,1990e,1995e,1996e ,,, Total trade with Mexico ,"2,264","5,074","5,147" Air ,31,81,50 Water transport ,"1,437","2,765","2,863" Road ,459,"1,046",856 Rail ,320,487,413 Pipeline and othera,17,715,964 ,,, Exports to Mexico ,762,"2,459","2,408" Air ,7,26,5 Water transport ,506,"2,086","2,146" Road ,86,159,87 Rail ,164,188,170 Pipeline and othera,NS ,NS ,NS ,,, Imports from Mexico ,"1,501","2,635","2,739" Air ,24,55,45 Water transport ,933,680,717 Road ,373,887,769 Rail ,155,299,243 Pipeline and othera,17,715,964 ,,, Total trade with the United States ,"270,960","390,600","405,635" Air ,"2,995","2,710","2,622" Water transport ,"74,839","79,912","85,286" Road ,"73,979","105,215","108,166" Rail ,"45,137","66,499","67,497" Pipeline and othera,"74,011","136,264","142,065" ,,, Exports to the United States ,"193,589","295,955","305,922" Air ,198,460,226 Water transport ,"44,144","49,890","53,368" Road ,"42,374","57,253","59,861" Rail ,"35,584","53,267","54,603" Pipeline and othera,"71,288","135,084","137,861" ,,, Imports from the United States ,"77,372","94,645","99,717" Air ,"2,797","2,250","2,396" Water transport ,"30,695","30,022","31,919" Road ,"31,604","47,962","48,304" Rail ,"9,554","13,232","12,894" Pipeline and othera,"2,722","1,179","4,204" "aMostly pipeline moves; also includes mail, parcel post and other miscellaneous modes of transportation.",,, KEY: e = Data are estimated. NS = Not signficant.,,, "SOURCE: Statistics Canada. International Trade Division. Special tabulations. (Ottawa, Ont.: 1998).",,,