United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Employment Coordination Service (VECS)

What Can VECS Do for You?

Veteran Employment Advocacy

VECS provide services for veterans, particularly severely injured veterans, who have an interest in pursuing a career with the VA. We advocate on behalf of veterans, promoting the values, leadership, work ethic, dedication, skills and qualifications of veterans seeking to re-enter the civilian workforce after military service.  Our advocacy raises the awareness of managers, supervisors, HR professionals and VA leadership on efforts to identify and assist qualified veterans in being selected to fill positions in our workforce. 

Hands-on Employment Assistance

Regional Veterans Employment Coordinators (RVEC) located at nine (9) locations nationwide provide a host of hand-on services to assist veterans seeking employment in the VA.  Services include employment counseling, help identifying transferable skills, a skills, qualifications and career assessment, assistance drafting competitive resumes and developing job search strategies, and direct job placement assistance.  

Resume Review & Federal Application Tips

Under VECS, veterans will learn to avoid many of the common mistakes applicants make when applying for Federal employment.  Veterans will learn to identify and apply for appropriate positions in VA, read and follow vacancy directions, select the correct application format, write targeted resumes, avoid shortcuts, and write effective KSAs.

Skills & Qualifications Assessment

Regional Veterans Employment Coordinators (RVEC) will assist veterans in measuring existing competencies by assessing military occupational qualifications, skills and experience or level of education. 

Placement Assistance

Regional Veterans Employment Coordinators  (RVEC) serve as coaches and case managers.  They not only assist veterans in identifying and applying for open vacancies, but network with managers and selecting officials to tap into less publicized career opportunities. 

Case Management

Under VECS, Regional Veterans Employment Coordinators (RVEC) provide close administrative oversight of their veteran customers.  From initial screening to skills assessment, advocacy and employment, RVECs carefully plan, document, and manage the process to help ensure their veteran clients are afforded every opportunity for success.

Training and Development Counseling

With the support and assistance of VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Services, VECS Regional Veterans Employment Coordinators (RVEC) work to ensure veterans receive appropriate employment, education, and vocational counseling to make informed and educated decisions on their careers needs.

One-on-one Peer Counseling

As a new member of our VA Team, we offer one-on-one peer counseling to assist veterans in adjusting to their new work environment.  Much like the buddy system in the military, one-on-one counseling helps you gain an immediate familiarity with VA’s culture of service with someone who knows it.