United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Employment Coordination Service (VECS)

About VECS

VA is extremely proud of its record of leading and promoting the hiring of veterans and disabled veterans in the Federal sector.  We believe an even greater obligation exists to assist our most severely injured veterans.  For many of these warriors, the desire to actively participate in the workforce when the time is right remains high.  VA not only recognizes the value severely injured bring to any workforce, but the potential challenges they could face obtaining meaningful careers. 

Under VECS Severely Injured Veterans Employment Initiative, a network of Regional Veterans Employment Coordinators (RVEC) stand ready to provide personal hands-on assistance, helping to expand opportunities to VA employment.  VECS seeks to ensure that severely injured veterans from Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom not only have the tools for success, but access to the resources and networks necessary for their transition to the VA workforce.