

The Air Transport Association of America is the premier trade group of the principal U.S. airlines. ATA airline members and their affiliates transport more than 90% of U.S. airline passenger and cargo traffic.

(H1N1) Swine Influenza: Airline Industry Information/Related Links

news & updates

ATA Offers Complimentary Distribution of Economic Reports and News

5/5/2009 – ATA offers members and the public complimentarily e-mail subscriptions to economic reports and ATA news RSS feed.

ATA CEO Welcomes Statements that there is no Rationale for Travel Restrictions Based on H1N1

5/4/2009 – ATA CEO responds to recent comments made by officials at the CDC, HHS, WHO and ICAO regarding the H1N1 virus.

ATA CEO Responds to Vice President Biden’s Suggestion to Avoid Air Travel

4/30/2009 – ATA's CEO today wrote to Vice President Biden regarding his remarks made this morning on the NBC “Today” show.

ATA CEO Comments on Measures Being Taken Regarding Swine Flu

4/28/2009 – ATA CEO today commented on recent developments related to swine influenza.

ATA Comments on CDC and Reports on WHO Developments

4/27/2009 – ATA commented on CDC's recommendation to postpone nonessential travel to Mexico and WHO raising the pandemic alert.

ATA Comments on Ongoing Coordination Related to Swine Influenza

4/26/2009 – ATA today commented on the recent developments related to swine influenza and the ongoing coordination between U.S. government agencies and airlines.

ATA Congratulates Annual “Nuts and Bolts” Award Winners

4/24/2009 – ATA congratulated the winners of the 42nd annual ATA Nuts and Bolts Award.

ATA Bird Strike Statement

4/24/2009 – ATA issued a statement related to bird strikes.