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Questions and Answers, dated November 2, 2006

ACTION: Request for Applications (RFA) - Questions and Answers


SUMMARY: The following are formal Agency responses to questions/comments regarding the subject solicitation.

  1. Our organization is currently under a cooperative agreement with EPA. We do have EPA funds for conducting workshops and conferences. Would we be able to use any EPA funds awarded from this posting to supplement already budgeted EPA funds to perform the work outlined in this announcement?
  2. No.

  3. Can local city governments submit applications for this proposed project?
  4. Yes. 

  5. Is there any other information to be aware of, in addition to the RFA, in preparing applications?
  6. All information necessary for applicants to develop applications is included in the RFA.  (Refer to Question #4.)

  7. The RFA references an example of a previous conference to be included in the appendices. We were unable to find the example. Can you provide examples or direct me to an internet site where Triad sample conference documents may be accessed?
  8. There were no appendices included in the RFA, however, to better facilitate understanding of what a Triad conference may look like, links to selected documents from a previous conference are included below. These documents are intended for informational purposes only. Future conferences are not expected to follow this format; rather, EPA seeks effective and innovative alternative approaches.

    http://clu-in.org/siteopt/brochurefinal.pdf (2pp., 167K, About PDF)Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
    http://clu-in.org/siteopt/agendaataglance.pdf (4pp., 94K, About PDF)Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
    http://clu-in.org/siteopt/ataglance.htmLink to EPA's External Link Disclaimer
    Streamlined Investigations and Cleanups Using the Triad Approach, Agenda (PDF) (3pp., 27K, About PDF)

    Complete event materials can be found online at http://clu-in.org/siteopt/siteopt.htmLink to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

  9. Does EPA have mailing lists related to Triad to share for individuals who attend and benefit from the Triad conference or is this the responsibility for the proposer to determine?
  10. No.

  11. Under Task 1, please clarify are these funds solely to be used for state regulators to attend the proposed conferences or could some of these funds be used so they could attend other conferences e.g. the contaminated soils conference?
  12. The primary focus will be events sponsored or co-sponsored by EPA. The events must focus on innovative remedial technologies and site characterization approaches.

  13. Under Task 4, how much detail is expected for the additional proposed conferences?
  14. For all tasks, sufficient detail must be provided to allow for an evaluation of the merits of the proposal.

  15. Can you tell me the page limit for the narrative?
  16. There is no page limit for the narrative.  Proposals must be concise and well organized, and must provide the information detailed in Section 4(B), Content and Form of Application and Submission, including responses to all Section 3(C), Threshold Criteria and Section 5(A), Evaluation Criteria identified in the RFA.  Applicants are strongly advised to avoid submission of extraneous materials.

  17. Is this a health related project that can be used to fund training for community groups living near hazardous waste sites?
  18. No.  Funds awarded must be used to facilitate improvement of state and international understanding of the performance of innovative and alternative treatment technologies and waste characterization approaches, and to remedy selection planning and decision making that may be implemented in the field to remediate ground water and soils at sites that have been contaminated by hazardous waste.

  19. The RFA says that “You may include coordination with EPA Project Officers to leverage EPA Triad community of practice contact list, etc, and how these may be utilized.” (page 12, #8). How do we contact the Triad community of practice?

    The Triad Community of Practice (CoP) is a voluntary forum comprised of members from the private and public sectors who are experienced in performing Triad projects and understand Triad training needs. Applicants are not required to contact Triad CoP members in preparing proposals for this competitive opportunity. After award, the EPA Project Officer will assist the recipient in contacting members of the Triad CoP.

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