Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3-28: Cash Balances of the Transportation-Related Federal Trust Funds, Fiscal Year

($ millions)

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Airport/Airway Trust Fund                        
$ current 5,442 7,426 14,355 15,263 15,204 12,850 12,386 11,365 7,692 6,358 9,411 12,446
$ constant 1996 9,473 9,814 17,133 17,508 16,926 13,940 13,106 11,691 7,692 R6,256 R9,170 11,843
Highway Trust Fund                        
Highway account                        
$ current 10,999 10,361 9,629 10,246 11,300 11,523 7,927 9,421 11,658 12,575 8,519 19,226
$ constant 1996 R19,146 13,692 11,493 11,753 12,580 12,500 8,388 9,691 11,658 R12,374 R8,301 18,295
Transit account                        
$ current N 2,524 7,155 9,250 9,798 10,617 9,945 9,579 9,525 9,857 10,051 9,753
$ constant 1996 N 3,336 8,540 10,610 10,908 11,517 10,523 9,854 9,525 R9,699 R9,793 9,281
Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund                        
$ current N N 30 74 121 305 451 621 865 1,106 1,246 1,736
$ constant 1996 N N 36 85 135 331 477 639 865 R1,088 R1,214 1,652
Inland Waterway Trust Fund                        
$ current N 172 281 217 186 180 214 238 275 300 327 357
$ constant 1996 N 227 335 249 207 195 226 245 275 R295 319 340
Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund                        
$ current N N 345 647 866 1,024 993 1,121 1,124 1,110 1,083 1,017
$ constant 1996 N N 412 742 964 1,111 1,051 1,153 1,124 R1,092 R1,055 968
Total all funds                        
$ current 16,441 20,483 31,795 35,697 37,475 36,499 31,916 32,345 31,139 31,306 30,637 44,535
$ constant 1996 R28,619 27,069 37,949 40,947 41,720 39,594 33,771 33,273 31,139 R30,805 R29,852 42,378

KEY: N = data do not exist; R = revised.


1980-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transportation Receipts and Outlays in the Federal Budget, Fiscal Years 1977-94 (Washington, DC: April 1997), table 1-3.

1995-99: U.S. Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government, Appendix (Washington, DC: Annual issues).

Constant dollar deflator

1980-97: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Historical data for chain-type indexes accurate to 3 decimal places, table 7-11, "Chain Type Price Indexes-Federal," Internet site http://www.bea.doc.gov/bea/dn1.htm as of Aug. 14, 2001.

1998-99: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Interactive Access to National Income and Product Accounts Tables, table 7-11, "Chain Type Price Indexes-Federal," Internet site http://www.bea.doc.gov/bea/dn/nipaweb as of Aug. 14, 2001.

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