Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3-13: Personal Consumption Expenditures on Transportation by Subcategory

(Current $ millions)

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  1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 R1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
TOTAL transportation 42,900 59,100 81,100 130,200 238,400 372,800 455,400 R428,100 R460,100 R494,900 R532,100 R560,300 R594,600 R626,700 R649,900 711,600 784,900
User-operated transportation                                  
New cars and net purchases of used cars 16,600 25,200 26,800 36,800 57,200 110,700 119,000 R101,200 R109,200 R120,900 R129,500 R132,200 133,300 R135,600 R142,800 155,600 164,100
New and used trucks and RVs 610 1,280 2,700 7,700 11,800 40,800 57,500 R52,200 R60,500 R68,900 R77,700 R80,200 84,300 R89,000 R104,500 124,700 136,500
Tires, tubes, accessories, and parts 2,500 3,500 6,100 10,300 17,900 24,300 29,900 R29,500 R30,500 R32,400 R35,200 R36,900 38,700 R39,600 R41,500 44,400 46,300
Repair and rental 5,500 7,700 12,300 19,800 34,000 60,500 84,900 R81,900 R90,300 R97,600 R110,000 R122,200 134,200 R146,300 R153,600 163,600 173,400
Gasoline and oil 12,000 14,800 21,900 39,700 86,700 97,200 107,300 R102,500 R104,900 R106,600 R109,000 R113,300 124,200 R128,100 R114,800 129,500 165,300
Tolls 310 460 650 820 1,100 1,520 2,300 R2,500 R2,800 R3,100 R3,300 R3,400 3,700 4,000 R4,000 4,200 4,500
Insurance premiums, less claims paid 2,000 2,400 3,800 3,800 9,400 10,000 18,100 R22,800 R25,700 R27,000 R27,800 R29,700 31,800 36,300 R38,000 36,800 37,900
Total 39,500 55,100 74,200 118,920 218,300 344,900 419,000 R392,500 R424,000 R456,400 R492,300 R517,800 550,200 R578,900 R599,200 658,900 727,900
Purchased intercity transportation                                  
Railroad 310 280 210 270 300 480 700 R700 R600 R600 R600 R600 600 700 700 700 800
Intercity bus 290 380 530 740 1,400 1,350 1,300 R1,600 R1,600 R1,600 R1,500 R1,600 1,800 1,800 R1,900 2,000 2,200
Airline 680 1,280 3,100 5,900 12,800 17,600 22,700 R21,400 R21,300 R23,300 R23,700 R25,500 26,200 29,000 R30,800 32,300 35,800
Other 35 54 182 390 910 1,720 3,300 R3,300 R3,600 R3,600 R4,000 R4,300 4,700 4,700 R4,900 5,300 5,100
Total 1,310 2,000 4,000 7,300 15,410 21,100 28,100 R26,900 R27,100 R29,100 R29,800 R32,100 33,300 R36,200 R38,400 40,300 44,000
Purchased local transportation                                  
Mass transit system 1,420 1,450 1,810 2,100 2,900 4,200 5,800 R6,100 R6,500 R6,700 R7,100 R7,100 7,700 R7,800 R8,300 8,600 9,000
Taxi 610 610 1,180 1,970 1,870 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,800 3,000 3,200 3,500 3,700 R4,100 3,800 3,900
Total 2,000 2,100 2,990 4,100 4,770 6,800 8,400 R8,800 R9,000 R9,500 R10,000 R10,400 R11,200 R11,600 R12,300 12,400 13,000

KEY: R = revised; RVs = recreational vehicles.

NOTE: Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.

SOURCES: 1960–2000: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Account Tables, Internet site http://www.bea.doc.gov, table 2.4.

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