Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3-27b: Transportation Revenues by Mode and Level of Government, Fiscal Year (Chained 1996 $ millions)

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
TOTAL, all modes 60,135 72,568 82,229 88,189 89,810 92,341 92,354 95,754 96,419 98,144 106,994 118,888 U
Federal 18,410 25,758 26,091 30,183 29,488 29,890 28,774 30,813 30,742 30,805 37,661 48,928 42,610
State 31,458 33,914 40,192 41,274 43,293 44,745 45,098 45,868 45,966 46,528 47,956 48,182 U
Local 10,266 12,895 15,947 16,732 17,028 17,706 18,482 19,072 19,711 20,811 21,376 21,777 U
Highway, total 46,093 53,112 58,768 61,256 64,537 65,505 65,661 68,239 71,179 70,114 74,329 83,056 U
Federal: Highway Trust Fund-Highway Accounta 13,653 18,064 16,414 17,782 18,892 18,414 17,985 19,792 22,692 20,884 23,512 31,828 27,656
State 29,984 31,858 37,888 38,879 40,890 42,282 42,674 43,382 43,353 43,902 45,276 45,567 U
Local 2,455 3,191 4,466 4,595 4,754 4,809 5,002 5,065 5,133 5,328 5,542 5,661 U
Air, total 7,421 9,355 12,038 13,663 13,342 13,837 13,817 14,264 11,298 13,225 17,502 19,766 U
Federal: Airport and Airways Trust Fundb 4,060 5,029 6,034 7,212 6,747 6,657 6,374 6,426 3,128 4,397 8,371 10,435 9,609
State 349 416 646 697 720 784 686 711 705 745 737 695 U
Local 3,012 3,910 5,359 5,754 5,875 6,396 6,758 7,127 7,465 8,083 8,395 8,636 U
Transit, total 4,413 7,838 8,466 10,010 8,346 9,288 9,429 9,562 10,171 11,150 11,421 12,354 U
Federal: Highway Trust Fund- Mass Transit Account RZ 1,987 2,412 3,659 2,070 2,986 2,846 2,873 3,282 3,915 4,185 5,155 4,215
State 667 1,176 1,247 1,267 1,247 1,237 1,281 1,285 1,308 1,306 1,327 1,312 U
Local 3,746 4,675 4,807 5,083 5,029 5,065 5,302 5,403 5,581 5,929 5,909 5,888 U
Water, total 2,209 2,263 2,946 3,249 3,566 3,684 3,419 3,646 3,733 3,619 3,706 3,675 U
Federal: Water Receiptsc 697 678 1,219 1,517 1,760 1,807 1,541 1,679 1,602 1,573 1,558 1,475 1,071
State 458 465 412 431 436 442 457 490 600 576 616 608 U
Local 1,053 1,119 1,315 1,300 1,370 1,436 1,421 1,477 1,531 1,471 1,531 1,592 U
Pipeline, total RZ RZ 12 13 16 16 20 36 31 29 28 28 36
Federal: Pipeline Safety Fund RZ RZ 12 13 16 16 20 36 31 29 28 28 36
General support, total RZ RZ RZ RZ 3 10 7 7 7 7 8 8 23
Federal: Emergency Preparedness Fund RZ RZ RZ RZ 3 10 7 7 7 7 8 8 23

KEY: RZ = no activity or a value of zero; U = data are not available.

a Beginning in 1983, a portion of the fuel tax credited to the Highway Trust Fund is earmarked for transit.

b The tax requirement that allows for the 10% passenger ticket tax and certain other taxes paid by airport and airway users to be transferred to the Airport and Airway Trust Fund expired on Dec. 31, 1995; it was reenacted in August 1996; but expired again in December 1996.

c Water receipts include the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, St. Lawrence Seaway tolls, the Inland Waterway Trust Fund, Panama Canal receipts, Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, Offshore Oil Pollution Fund, Deep Water Port Liability Fund, and excise taxes of the Boat Safety Program.


Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.


1980: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, unpublished data.

1985–2000: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Government Transportation Financial Statistics: 2001 (Washington, DC: 2002), table 2-b.

Constant dollar deflator: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts, Washington, DC, table 7.1, "Chain-Type Price Index."

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