Table 4-13: Single-Unit 2-Axle 6-Tire or More Truck Fuel Consumption and Travela,,,,,,,,,,, ,1970,1975,1980,1985,1990,1995,1996,1997,R1998,1999,2000 Number registered (thousands),"3,681","4,232","4,374","4,593","4,487","5,024","R5,266","5,293","5,735","5,763","5,926" Vehicle-miles (millions),"27,100","34,600","39,800","45,400","51,900","62,705","R64,072","66,893","68,021","70,304","70,583" Fuel consumed (million gallons),"3,968","5,420","6,923","7,399","8,357","9,216","R9,408","9,576","6,817","9,372","9,548" Average miles traveled per vehicle (thousands),7.4,8.2,9.1,9.9,11.6,12.5,12.2,12.6,11.9,12.2,11.9 Average miles traveled per gallon,6.8,6.4,5.8,6.1,6.2,6.8,6.8,7.0,10.0,7.5,7.4 Average fuel consumed per vehicle (gallons),"1,078","1,281","1,583","1,611","1,862","1,835","R1,787","1,809","1,189","1,626","1,611" KEY: R = revised.,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, "a Beginning in 1998, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) used the Census Bureau's 1997 Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (VIUS) for its baseline estimate of single-unit 2-axle 6-tire or more trucks. Prior to 1998, the FHWA used the Census Bureau's 1992 Transportation Inventory and Use Survey (TIUS) for its baseline estimates. Therefore, post-1997 data may not be comparable to 1997 and earlier years.",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, "NOTES: In 1995, the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration revised its vehicle categories beginning with 1993 data to include passenger cars, other 2-axle 4-tire vehicles, single-unit 2-axle 6-tire or more trucks, and combination trucks. Single-unit 2-axle 6-tire or more trucks are on a single frame with at least 2 axles and 6 tires. Pre-1993 data have been reassigned to the most appropriate category. ",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, "SOURCES: 1970-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, FHWA-PL-97-009 (Washington, DC: July 1997), table VM-201A. ",,,,,,,,,,, "1995-2000: Ibid., Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table VM-1.",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,