Federal Aviation Administration


"Safety and Service"
Robert A. Sturgell, Washington, D.C.
October 1, 2008

50th Anniversary Black Tie Speech

It’s indeed an honor and a pleasure to join you here tonight as we celebrate 50 years of service, 50 years of safety, 50 years of creating what has become the international gold standard for aviation.

As we look back at these 50 years, we see a time not too long ago when major accidents were a regular occurrence. Thanks to the diligence, the perseverance and the call to duty by the people in this room, that’s no longer the case. There’s no longer a “common cause” for accidents. A seat on one of America’s large transport jets is arguably the safest location on Earth — or above it.

We’ve been able to achieve this record because of the trails that were blazed over the years by leaders such as Allan McArtor and David Hinson. They set the stage for the safety record we’re enjoying right now. It’s a safety record that’s the envy of the world. And you all have a right to be proud.

We are fortunate to work with an industry that pulls as hard for safety as we do. The industry that runs the business of aviation in this country is known for innovation and excellence, which is why we’re the world leader. The Legislative Branch is a champion of safety and innovation as well. The insight and guidance we receive from Capitol Hill is a driving force — constantly pushing us to do more, to do better — all with the goal of making sure the system is as safe as it can be.

They take pride in our success. That same pride is found deep within the FAA. The pride that as civil servants, we know we’re holders of the public trust.

Keeping that in mind, let’s unveil something that will go on display in headquarters. [Tribute to Safety and Service unveiled]

This crystal is a symbol of pride and service by FAA employees. It’s a sign that our journey has been 50 years long and the light within it shows that pride and service by FAA employees will remain a beacon for the next 50 and beyond.

That light will stay illuminated 24/7/365, a perpetual sign of our mission and how seriously we take it. When this Tribute to Safety and Service takes its place in our building, it will be a reminder to all of us that our job is never done.

So with all of that said, let’s raise our glasses. May this Tribute to Safety and Service forever and always be a sign of our commitment to the American people. Happy birthday, FAA. Hear hear.
