Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Oil Pipeline Profile

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  1960 1970 1980 1990 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Operating revenues, total ($ millions)1 895 1,396 7,548 8,506 8,676 9,077 8,637 8,632 8,579 9,067 8,958 9,066 U U U U U
FERC-regulated 770 1,188 6,340 7,164 7,353 7,751 7,310 7,278 7,212 7,645 7,551 7,649 U U U U U
Nonregulated 125 208 1,208 1,342 1,323 1,326 1,327 1,354 1,367 1,422 1,407 1,417 U U U U U


  1960 1970 1980 1990 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Number of FERC-regulated companies2 87 101 130 150 158 161 160 U U 184 U U U 195 195 197 U
Number of employees, pipeline companiesa, 3 23,100 17,600 21,300 18,500 17,100 15,100 14,500 14,200 13,800 13,060 13,230 13,680 12,360 12,500 12,840 13,040 12,770
Miles of pipeline (statute miles)b, all lines4 190,944 218,671 218,393 208,752 190,350 181,912 177,535 179,873 178,648 177,463 176,996 U U U U U U
Crude lines 141,085 146,275 129,831 118,805 103,277 97,029 92,610 91,523 87,663 86,369 85,480 U U U U U U
Product lines 49,859 72,396 88,562 89,947 87,073 84,883 84,925 88,350 90,985 91,094 91,516 U U U U U U


  1960 1970 1980 1990 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Intercity ton-miles, total (millions)5 229,000 431,000 588,200 584,100 591,400 601,100 619,200 616,500 619,800 617,700 577,300 576,100 586,200 590,200 599,600 U U
Crude oil N N 362,600 334,800 322,600 335,900 338,300 337,400 334,100 321,100 283,400 277,000 286,600 284,500 283,700 U U
Petroleum products N N 225,600 249,300 268,800 265,200 280,900 279,100 285,700 296,600 293,900 299,100 299,600 305,700 315,900 U U
Tons transported (millions)5 468.0 790.2 921.0 1,057.4 1,063.6 1,074.3 1,114.1 1,108.0 1,116.3 1,125.2 1,146.8 1,123.4 U U U U U
Average length of haul (statute miles)                         U U U U U
Crude oil6 325 300 871 812 778 797 779 781 767 766 U U U U U U U
Petroleum products6 269 357 414 387 414 402 413 413 420 418 U U U U U U U


  1960 1970 1980 1990 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Fatalities N 4 4 3 1 3 5 0 2 4 1 0 1 0 5 2 0
Injured persons N 21 15 7 c 7 11 13 5 6 20 4 10 0 5 16 2 2
Incidents N 351 246 180 245 188 194 171 153 167 146 130 147 131 144 (R) 138 110

KEY: FERC = Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; N = data do not exist; R = revised; U = data are not available.

a Includes companies whose pipelines carry crude petroleum, petroleum products, and nonpetroleum pipeline liquids.

b Regulated plus unregulated mileage of crude oil trunk and gathering lines, plus refined oil trunk lines.

c Does not include the 1,851 injuries that required medical treatment, caused by severe flooding near Houston, Texas, reported for October, 1994.


The Interstate Commerce Committee regulated oil pipelines in the 1960s and 1970s.


1 Eno Transportation Foundation, Inc., Transportation In America 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002), pp. 38 and 39, and similar tables in earlier editions.

2 1960-96: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, personal communication.

1999: Ibid., Internet site http://www.ferc.fed.us/oil/oil_list.htm as of June 21, 2001.

2003: Ibid., Internet site http://www.ferc.gov/industries/oil/gen-info/reg-central.asp as of Aug. 26, 2004.

2004: Ibid., Internet site http://www.ferc.gov/industries/oil/gen-info/reg-central.asp as of Mar. 16, 2005.

2005: Ibid., Internet site http://www.ferc.gov/industries/oil/gen-info/reg-central.asp as of Oct. 27, 2006.

3 1960-80: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment, Hours and Earnings, United States, 1909-94 (Washington, DC: September 1994), SIC 46.

1990-1994: Ibid., Hours and Earnings, United States, 1988-1996 (Washington, DC: July 1996), SIC 46.

1995-98: Ibid., Internet site http://www.bls.gov, SIC 46, as of Apr. 19, 1999.

1999-2001: Ibid., Internet site http://www.bls.gov/oes, SIC 46, as of June 30, 2003.

2002-03: Ibid, Internet site http://www.bls.gov/oes, NAICS 486100 and NAICS 486900, as of Mar. 16, 2005.

2004-06: Ibid, Internet site http://www.bls.gov/oes, NAICS 486100 and NAICS 486900, as of Oct. 26, 2007.

4 Eno Transportation Foundation, Inc., Transportation In America 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002), pp. 58 and 59, and similar tables in earlier editions.

5 1960-70: Ibid., Transportation in America, 1998 (Washington, DC: 1998), p. 44 and Transportation in America, Supplement, 1999 (Washington, DC: 1999).

1980-98: Ibid., Transpotation in America, 2002 (Washington, DC: 2002), p. 53, and similar tables in earlier editions.

1999-2004: Association of Oil Pipe Lines, Shifts in Petroleum Transportation (Washington, DC: 2004), Internet site http://www.aopl.org/pubs/facts.html as of Oct. 27, 2006.

6 1960-70: Ibid., Transportation In America 1999 (Washington, DC: 1999), p. 71.

1980-99: Ibid.,Transportation In America 2000 (Washington, DC: 2000), p. 51.

7 U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Office of Pipeline Safety, available at Internet site http://ops.dot.gov/stats/lq_sum.htm as of Sept. 26, 2007, and earlier tables for 1970 and 1980 data.

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