Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 4-20: Energy Intensity of Passenger Modes

(Btu per passenger-mile)

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  $1 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Air, certificated carrier                                          
Domestic operations 8,633 10,118 10,185 7,746 5,742 5,047 4,932 4,671 4,564 4,558 4,444 4,382 4,183 4,166 4,123 4,049 3,883 3,890 3,596 (R) 3,463 3,297
International operations 9,199 10,292 10,986 8,465 4,339 5,103 4,546 4,609 4,258 4,099 4,145 4,173 4,108 4,168 4,278 4,123 3,833 3,965 3,920 (R) 3,872 3,428
Passenger car 4,495 4,455 4,841 4,743 4,348 4,269 3,811 3,654 3,703 3,785 3,771 3,721 3,688 3,657 3,637 3,672 3,589 3,597 3,600 (R) 3,570 3,527
Other 2-axle 4-tire vehicle N N 6,810 6,571 5,709 4,971 4,539 4,277 4,256 4,275 4,345 4,538 4,541 4,564 4,569 4,612 4,509 3,985 4,121 (R) 4,452 4,452
Motorcycle b b 2,500 2,354 2,125 1,896 2,227 1,917 1,990 2,063 2,135 2,274 2,271 2,273 2,273 2,273 2,273 2,049 1,969 1,969 1,968
Transit motor bus N N N N 2,742 3,389 3,723 3,767 4,038 3,944 4,162 4,155 4,196 4,228 4,133 4,044 4,147 (R) 3,698 (R) 3,550 (P) 3,496 U
Amtrak N N N 2,383 2,148 2,089 2,066 1,978 2,035 2,023 1,935 1,838 2,153 2,200 2,138 2,107 2,134 2,100 U U U

KEY: Btu = British thermal unit; N = data do not exist; P = revised; R = revised; U = data are not available.

a For 1995 and subsequent years, highway passenger-miles were taken directly from Highway Statistics rather than derived from vehicle-miles and average occupancy, as is the case for 1960-1994.

b Included in passenger car.


To calculate total Btu, multiply fuel consumed (see tables 4-21, 4-22, 4-24, 4-25) by 135,000 Btu/gallon for air carrier; 125,000 Btu/gallon for passenger car, other 2-axle 4-tire vehicle, and motorcycle; 138,700 Btu/gallon for transit motor bus and Amtrak diesel consumption; and 3,412 Btu/KwH for Amtrak electric consumption.



Certificated air carriers:


1960-80: Air Transport Association, Internet site http://www.airlines.org as of Aug. 30, 2004.

1985-2004: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Office of Airline Information, Air Carrier Traffic Statistics (Washington DC: Annual December issues).

Fuel consumed:

U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Office of Airline Information, Internet site http://www.bts.gov/oai/fuel/fuelyearly.html as of Dec. 28, 2005.


Passenger car:

1960-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, FHWA-PL-97-009 (Washington, DC: July 1997), table VM-201A.

1995-2004: Ibid., Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table VM-1.

Other 2-axle 4-tire vehicle:

1970-94: Ibid., Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, FHWA-PL-97-009 (Washington, DC: July 1997), table VM-201A.

1995-2004: Ibid., Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table VM-1.


1970-85: Ibid., Highway Statistics Summary to 1985, FHWA-PL-97-009 (Washington, DC: July 1997), table VM-201A.

1990-2004: Ibid., Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table VM-1.

Transit motor bus:

American Public Transportation Association, 2005 Public Transportation Fact Book (Washington, DC: Annual issues), tables 11 and 35, and similar tables in earlier editions.


Amtrak, State and Local Affairs Department, personal communication.

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