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Visitor Center - About the area

Air photo of Coeur d'Alene, ID
Coeur d'Alene, ID, sits on the shores of beautiful Lake Coeur d'Alene. This was taken looking northeast, over North Idaho College
Beautiful North Idaho!
Narrative on the beauty, wonder, and activities to be found in America's Great Outdoors, especially in our corner of it!

North Idaho's National Forests
A brief overview of the IPNF with facts, figures, and other general information.

Bosque de la Primavera
Information about the "Sister Forest" relationship the IPNF has established with Bosque de la Primavera in the State of Jalisco, Mexico.

Related sites
Sites with additional information about the area, including lodging & accomodations, restaurants, area histories, calendars of events, and local points of interest.

Future additions...

We will have detailed information about cities, lakes, rivers, and other points of interest on this page. We also will provide a photo gallery of scenic pictures that you can download for your own personal use... Continue to check back here if you are looking for that type of information. Until then, we suggest you visit the related sites page for links to other sites that may provide these services.

Last updated: 05/06/09