Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 2-45. U.S. Coast Guard Search and Rescue Statistics, Fiscal Year

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  1985 1990 e1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Cases 60,775 R53,097 R52,782 R53,294 R53,026 R53,899 R49,704 R43,553 R41,096 37,218 39,844
Responsesa 70,237 R64,971 R66,409 69,856 69,784 R70,337 R63,679 55,710 R52,141 46,602 50,622
Sortiesa 88,449 84,033 84,872 88,388 88,147 R108,758 R110,267 98,423 R91,722 83,307 89,635
Search and Rescue resource hoursRb U 108,020 109,194 108,634 107,431 102,749 93,984 85,136 80,336 80,070 80,490
Lives saved 6,497 R4,407 Re5,465 R17,543 R5,826 Rf23,211 R4,453 R5,047 R3,897 3,194 3,743
Lives lost before notificationc 259 R622 R748 R540 R800 R593 R468 R611 R454 418 353
Lives lost after notificationd 1,076 R463 R368 R399 R415 R338 R304 R367 R290 188 180
Total lives lost 1,335 R1,085 R1,116 R939 R1,215 R931 R772 R978 R744 606 533
Persons otherwise assisted 138,791 R117,327 R113,704 R121,826 R119,069 R116,912 R101,357 R85,869 R75,357 66,138 70,255
Value of property lost ($ million) 424.3 R368.5 R213.6 R314.5 R316.2 R435.5 R222.6 R273.8 R414.8 84.3 262.3
Value of property assisted ($ millions) 2,376.8 R2,044.9 R2,282.4 R1,951.4 R2,491.8 R2,891.2 R4,467.2 R3494.2 R1762.1 1,288.2 1,235.0
Property loss prevented ($ million) 905.4 R1,673.4 R1,799.3 R1,550.1 R2,144.7 R2,628.4 R3,882.8 R3087.3 R1353.5 996.8 1,019.0

a Responses are the number of U.S. Coast Guard units involved. Sorties are the number of trips made by boat, aircraft, or cutter.
b Search and Rescue resource hours represent the time that Coast Guard assets (i.e., aircraft, boats and cutters) perform Search and Rescue operations.
c Those persons whose lives were lost before the U.S. Coast Guard was notified of an incident.
d Those persons whose lives were lost in an incident to which the U.S.Coast Guard was responding, but who were alive at the time the U.S. Coast Guard was notified of the incident.
e Calculations are lower in fiscal year 1991 due to incomplete data submissions by two districts.
f The Search and Rescue management Information System's reporting policy has been revised, and now requires complete reporting on all lives saved. This policy also includes reporting on "lives saved" in connection with Coast Guard Law Enforcement Activity (i.e., Alien Migrant Interdiction Operations (AMIO)).AMIO lives saved in fiscal year 1992 was determined to be approximately 12,000. AMIO lives saved in fiscal year 1994 was determined to be 15,179.

KEY: R = revised; U = data are not available.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Search and Rescue Management Information Systems (SARMIS II) Database, 2000 for all data except Search and Rescue resource hours U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Abstract of Operations database, 2000 for Search and Rescue resource hours

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