Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 2-31. Transit Safety and Property Damage Data

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  1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Fatalitiesa 339 300 273 281 320 274 264 275 286 299
Injuriesa 54,556 52,125 55,089 52,668 58,193 57,196 55,288 56,132 55,990 55,325
Accidentsb 58,002 46,467 36,380 30,559 29,972 25,683 25,166 24,924 23,937 23,416
Incidentsa,b (includes accidents) 90,163 83,139 73,831 64,986 70,693 62,471 59,392 R61,561 60,094 58,703
Vehicle-miles (millions) 2,490 2,478 2,510 2,535 2,581 2,620 2,605 2,702 2,833 2,927
Rates per 100 million vehicle-milesc                    
Fatalities (all reportable incidents) 13.6 12.1 10.9 11.1 12.4 10.5 10.1 10.2 10.1 10.2
Injuries (all reportable incidents) 2,191 R2,103 2,195 R2,077 R2,254 R2,183 2,122 R2,078 1,976 1,890
Accidents 2,329 1,875 R1,450 1,205 1,161 980 966 922 845 800
Property damaged (current $ millions) 38.0 37.5 37.5 44.9 38.4 46.3 57.6 55.5 61.5 55.3

a Totals do not include data for cable car, inclined plane, jitney, and ferry boat. These data appear in the footnotes for table 2-33.
b Accidents include collisions with other vehicles, objects, and people (except suicides), and derailments/buses going off the road. Incidents include accidents plus personal casualties (inside vehicles, inside stations, and boarding and alighting vehicle) and fires.
c Fatality and injury rates are based on total incidents including accidents and were calculated by dividing the number of fatalities, injuries, and incidents in  this table by the number of vehicle miles.
d Total does not include property damage for cable car, inclined plane, jitney, and ferry boat, which were:  1990-$300,000; 1991-$400,000; 1992-$300,000; 1993-$200,000; 1994-$300,000; 1995-$3,300,000; 1996-$200,000; 1997-$67,000; 1998-$24,000.

KEY: R = revised.

NOTES: Data are provided only for transit systems that furnished safety data for inclusion in the U.S. Department of Transportation,  Federal Transit Administration Safety Management Information Statistics (SAMIS) annual reports.  Transit vehicle-miles in this table differ from those reported in Chapter 1. The American Public Transit Association, which is the source for  the vehicle-miles table in Chapter 1, includes all transit systems, while SAMIS covers only directly operated urban transit systems.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, Safety Management Information Statistics (SAMIS) 1998 Annual Report  (Cambridge, MA: December 1999), and personal communication, Dec. 6, 2000.

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