Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-19. World Motor Vehicle Production, Selected Countries (Thousands)

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  Passenger carsa
1961 1971 1981 1991 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Argentina 78 193 139 114 338 227 269 366 353
Australia 182 393 352 269 323 314 303 320 350
Austria 8 1 7 14 45 59 97 98 91
Belgium N 279 216 253 409 386 368 356 319
Brazil 98 342 406 705 1,248 1,297 1,459 1,680 1,244
Canada 328 1,083 803 1,060 1,214 1,337 1,279 1,374 1,122
China N N N 81 250 321 382 482 507
Czech Republicc 59 149 181 173 174 208 263 321 368
France 988 2,694 2,612 3,188 3,175 3,051 3,148 2,259 2,603
Germany 1,802 3,829 3,758 4,677 4,094 4,360 4,540 4,678 5,348
India 22 42 42 179 237 330 396 410 384
Italy 694 1,701 1,257 1,633 1,341 1,422 1,318 1,563 1,402
Japan 250 3,718 6,974 9,753 7,802 7,611 7,864 8,491 8,056
South Korea N N 69 1,158 1,806 2,003 2,265 2,308 1,625
Malaysia N N N 102 137 164 176 280 126
Mexico N 154 355 720 857 699 798 855 953
Netherlands 13 78 78 85 92 100 145 197 243
Poland 14 86 248 168 349 347 353 295 460
Portugal N N N N 38 41 119 186 181
Romania N N N 84 85 71 76 108 104
Russia 149 518 1,324 1,308 796 838 868 982 U
Spain 55 453 855 1,943 1,974 2,131 2,213 2,342 2,217
Sweden 110 287 258 269 353 388 368 376 368
Taiwan N N N 266 291 282 265 268 293
Turkey N 13 25 196 213 233 208 243 U
United Kingdom 1,004 1,742 955 1,237 1,467 1,532 1,686 1,698 1,748
United States 5,522 8,584 6,253 5,439 6,614 6,351 6,083 5,927 5,554
Federal Republic of
15 114 240 213 8 8 9 11 U
Total world 11,391 26,453 27,407 35,287 R35,730 36,111 37,318 38,474 37,286
US % of world 48% 32% 23% 15% 19% 18% 16% 15% 15%


Table 1-19 (continued). World Motor Vehicle Production, Selected Countries (Thousands)

  Commercial vehiclesb
1961 1971 1981 1991 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Argentina 58 60 33 25 70 59 44 80 105
Australia 49 77 40 15 31 17 19 29 34
Austria 5 6 8 6 3 9 9 10 12
Belgium 1 17 41 84 70 82 69 74 87
Brazil 47 174 374 255 334 332 346 388 329
Canada 63 277 520 829 1,106 1,071 1,118 1,198 1,050
China N N N 628 1,103 1,114 1,084 1,096 1,121
Czech Republicc 17 28 49 29 6 8 9 47 42
France 217 316 408 423 383 424 443 322 351
Germany 411 312 358 358 262 307 303 345 379
India 32 47 107 176 238 306 366 336 129
Italy 65 116 176 245 194 245 227 254 290
Japan 789 2,093 4,206 3,492 2,752 2,585 2,482 2,484 1,994
South Korea N N 65 340 506 523 548 510 329
Malaysia N N N 0 0 0 0 0 7
Mexico N 57 242 269 266 236 422 503 500
Netherlands 6 13 12 26 23 32 19 20 28
Poland 22 60 60 25 16 34 48 27 39
Portugal N N N 26 87 16 13 81 90
Romania N N N 10 5 22 23 21 23
Russia 406 612 874 744 206 156 136 192 U
Spain 20 79 132 139 168 203 199 220 609
Sweden 22 30 55 75 82 102 95 104 114
Taiwan N N N 116 132 124 101 113 112
Turkey N 12 22 46 31 49 69 102 U
United Kingdom 443 456 230 217 228 233 238 238 233
United States 1,131 2,088 1,690 3,372 5,649 5,635 5,716 6,192 6,452
Federal Republic of
5 18 27 26 2 2 1 2 U
Total world 3,809 6,948 9,729 11,996 13,952 13,926 14,147 14,988 14,811
US % of world 30% 30% 17% 28% 40% 40% 40% 41% 44%


Table 1-19 (continued). World Motor Vehicle Production, Selected Countries (Thousands)

1961 1971 1981 1991 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
Argentina 136 253 172 139 409 286 313 446 458
Australia 231 470 392 284 354 331 322 349 384
Austria 13 7 15 20 48 68 106 108 103
Belgium 1 296 257 337 479 468 437 430 406
Brazil 145 516 780 960 1,582 1,629 1,805 2,067 1,573
Canada 391 1,360 1,323 1,889 2,320 2,408 2,397 2,571 2,173
China N N N 709 1,353 1,435 1,466 1,578 1,628
Czech Republicc 76 177 230 202 180 216 272 369 411
France 1,205 3,010 3,020 3,611 3,558 3,475 3,591 2,581 2,954
Germany 2,213 4,141 4,116 5,035 4,356 4,667 4,843 5,023 5,727
India 54 89 149 355 475 636 762 746 513
Italy 759 1,817 1,433 1,878 1,534 1,667 1,545 1,817 1,693
Japan 1,039 5,811 11,180 13,245 10,554 10,196 10,346 10,975 10,050
South Korea N N 134 1,498 2,312 2,526 2,813 2,818 1,954
Malaysia N N N 102 137 164 176 280 134
Mexico N 211 597 989 1,123 935 1,220 1,358 1,453
Netherlands 19 91 90 111 115 132 164 218 271
Poland 36 146 308 193 365 381 401 322 499
Portugal N N N 26 125 57 132 267 271
Romania N N N 94 90 93 99 129 127
Russia 555 1,130 2,198 2,052 1,002 994 1,004 1,174 U
Spain 75 532 987 2,082 2,142 2,334 2,412 2,562 2,826
Sweden 132 317 313 344 435 490 463 480 483
Taiwan N N N 382 423 406 366 381 405
Turkey N 25 47 242 244 282 277 344 U
United Kingdom 1,447 2,198 1,185 1,454 1,695 1,765 1,924 1,936 1,981
United States 6,653 10,672 7,943 8,811 12,263 11,986 11,799 12,119 12,006
Federal Republic of
20 132 267 239 9 10 10 14 U
Total world 15,200 33,401 37,136 47,283 49,681 50,037 51,465 53,463 52,098
US % of world 44% 32% 21% 19% 25% 24% 23% 23% 23%

a Does not include minivans, pickups, and sport utility vehicles. 
b Includes all trucks and buses. Light trucks, such as pickups, sport utility vehicles, and minivans are included under commercial vehicles. 
c Formerly Czechoslovakia.

KEY: N = data do not exist; U = data are not available 

NOTES: Production in this table refers to vehicles locally manufactured. Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding. 

SOURCE: Ward's, Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures (Southfield, MI: 1999), p. 12.

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