Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-10. Sales or Deliveries of New Aircraft, Vehicles, Vessels, and Other Conveyances

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Civilian aircraft (shipments)  1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Transporta 245 233 311 315 387 278 521 589 567 408 309 256 269 374 R559 P620
Helicopters N 598 482 864 1,366 384 603 571 324 258 308 292 278 346 R363 P342
General aviation 7,588 11,852 7,283 14,072 11,881 2,029 1,144 1,021 899 964 928 1,077 1,130 1,569 R2,213 P2,455
Passenger car (new retail sales) 6,641,000 9,332,000 8,400,000 8,624,000 8,979,000 11,042,000 9,300,000 8,175,000 8,213,000 8,518,000 8,991,000 8,635,000 8,527,000 8,272,000 8,139,000 U
Motorcycle (new retail sales)b N N 1,125,000 940,000 1,070,000 710,000 303,000 280,000 278,000 293,000 306,000 309,000 330,000 356,000 432,000 U
Truck (factory sales, domestic)c 1,194,475 1,716,564 1,660,446 2,231,630 1,667,283 3,356,905 3,692,474 3,363,445 4,039,518 4,870,675 5,617,866 5,689,551 5,748,147 6,125,935 6,407,702 U
Bus (includes school bus) (factory sales) I 35,241 31,994 40,530 34,385 33,533 32,731 24,058 22,484 24,549 22,409 23,918 27,583 26,882 27,483 U
Recreational vehicle (shipments) N 192,830 380,300 339,600 178,500 351,700 347,300 293,700 382,700 420,200 518,800 475,200 466,800 438,800 441,300 U
Bicycled N N N N 9,000,000 11,400,000 10,800,000 11,600,000 11,600,000 13,000,000 12,500,000 12,000,000 10,900,000 11,000,000 11,100,000 U
Transit (deliveries)                                
Motor buse 2,415 3,000 1,424 5,261 4,572 3,367 4,779 4,722 3,426 4,836 5,418 6,022 6,016 R6,329 P6,450 U
Light rail 0 0 0 0 32 63 55 17 35 54 72 38 39 76 P80 U
Heavy rail 416 580 308 127 130 441 10 6 163 260 55 72 10 34 P120 U
Trolley bus 0 0 0 1 98 0 118 149 0 24 36 3 3 0 P32 U
Commuter rail 214 666 302 2,165 152 179 83 187 110 8 47 38 111 198 P122 U
Class I rail (deliveries)                                
Freight carf 57,047 77,822 66,185 72,392 85,920 12,080 32,063 24,678 25,761 35,239 48,819 60,853 57,877 50,396 75,685 74,223
Locomotive 389 1,387 1,029 772 1,480 522 530 472 321 504 821 928 761 743 889 709
Amtrak (deliveries)                                
Passenger train car N N N 109 109 N 58 0 0 0 64 76 92 10 0 0
Locomotive N N N 30 17 10 0 0 20 26 18 10 0 111 35 0
Water transport                                
Merchant vesselg 20 13 13 15 23 14 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 1 4 2
Recreational boath N N N N 642,800 674,600 525,300 448,000 466,750 498,775 576,200 663,760 634,750 610,100 R571,100 605,500

a U.S.-manufactured fixed-wing aircraft over 33,000 pounds empty weight, including all jet transports plus the 4-engine turboprop-powered Lockheed L-100.  
b Includes domestic and imported vehicles. Prior to 1985, all terrain vehicles (ATVs) were included in the motorcycle total.  In 1995, the Motorcycle Industry Council revised its data for the years 1985 to present to exclude ATVs from its totals. 
c Includes large passenger or utility vehicles that may be considered cars in other tables.  
d Includes domestic and imported vehicles, wheel sizes 20 inches and over. 1997 and 1998 data are projections.  
e Buses or bus-type vehicles only. Includes demand response. Excludes vanpool vans and most rural and smaller systems prior to 1984.  Transit motor bus figure is also included as part of the bus total in the highway category. 
f Includes all railroads and private car owners.  
g Self-propelled, 1,000 or more gross tons. 
h Retail unit estimates. Includes outboard, inboard, and sterndrive boats, jet boats (since 1995), personal watercraft (since 1991),  sailboats and canoes. Also includes inflatable boats (until 1992) and sailboards (until 1990).
I Included in truck figure. 

KEY: N = data do not exist; P = preliminary; R = revised; U = data are not available. 

Civilian aircraft:
1960-98: Aerospace Industries Association, Aerospace Facts and Figures (Washington, DC: Annual issues), "Civil Aircraft Shipments".
1999: Ibid., Internet site www.aia-aerospace.org/departments/stats/Table5.html, as of July 13, 2000.
Passenger cars and trucks:
1960-97: American Automobile Manufacturers Association, Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures, 1998 (Southfield, MI: 1999), p. 21 (passenger car) and p. 6 (truck).
1998: Ward's Communications, Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures, 1999 (Detroit, MI: 1998), p. 21 (passenger car) and p. 6 (truck).
1970-98: Motorcycle Industry Council, Inc., Motorcycle Statistical Annual, 1999 (Irvine, CA: 1999), p. 5 and similar tables in earlier editions.
1965-97: American Automobile Manufacturers Association, Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures, 1998 (Detroit, MI: 1998), p. 6 and similar tables in earlier editions.
1998: Ward's Communications, Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures, 1999 (Detroit, MI: 1999), p. 6 and personal communication, July 14, 2000.
Recreational vehicles:
1965-97: Ibid., Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures, 1998 (Detroit, MI: 1998), p. 12 and similar tables in earlier editions.
1998: Ward's Communications, Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures, 1999 (Detroit, MI: 1998), p. 11.
1980-98: National Bicycle Dealers Association, Internet site http://www.nbda.com as of Mar. 5, 1999, and personal communication, Sept. 24, 1996.
1960-98: American Public Transit Association 2000, Public Transportation Fact Book (Washington, DC: March 2000), table 56 and similar tables in earlier editions.
Class I rail:
1960-98: Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts (Washington, DC: 1999), p. 54 and similar tables in earlier editions.
1975-80: Ibid., Railroad Facts (Washington, DC: 1997), p. 17 and similar tables in earlier editions.
1985-99: Amtrak Annual Report, Statistical Appendix (Washington, DC: Annual Issues).
Merchant vessel:
1960-99: U.S. Department of Transprotation, Maritime Administration, Merchant Fleets of the World (Washington, DC: Annual issues).
Recreational boat: 1980-99: National Marine Manufacturers Association, Boating 1999 (Chicago, IL: 2000), annual retail unit estimates. 

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