Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version
Journal of Transportation and Statistics - Volume 8, Number 1

Journal of Transportation and Statistics
Volume 8 Number 1

ISSN 1094-8848

NOTES: The views presented in the articles in this journal are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. All material contained in this journal is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without special permission; citation as to sources is required.

The Journal of Transportation and Statistics has been discontinued by BTS because of budget constraints. Papers are therefore no longer being accepted or considered for publication. BTS hopes to bring the Journal back as a virtual publication in the future, and will post any news about the status of JTS on this page.

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Table of Contents File Formats
Entire Report
Editorial Board
Front Matter
Letter from the Deputy Administrator
Paper 1 - The Dynamics of Aircraft Degradation and Mechanical Failure by Leonard MacLean, Alex Richman, Stig Larsson, and Vincent Richman
Table 1 - Description of the Study Sample
Table 2 - Research Hypotheses
Table 3 - Model Variations
Table 4 - Comparison Hypotheses
Table 5 - Fitted Failure Model
Table 6 - Comparison of Models and Operators
Table 7 - Comparison of Estimates
Figure 1 - Probability of Failure of a Single Aircraft
Figure 2 - Aircraft Degradation and Repair
Figure 3 - Number of Failures in an Observation Window
Paper 2 - Air Traffic at Three Swiss Airports: Application of Stamp in Forecasting Future Trends by Miriam Scaglione and Andrew Mungall
Table 1 - Hyper-Parameters Given as Standard Deviation and Interventions
Table 2 - Statistical Values of the Goodness-of-Fit Test
Table 3 - Cycle Parameters and Final Growth Rates for Three Swiss Airports
Table 4 - Forecasts of Numbers of Passengers and Aircraft Movements
Figure 1 - Slope Components and Cycles for Aircraft Movements and Passengers at GVA: 1953-2002
Figure 2 - Trend Plus Cycle and Actual Values (in Logarithms) for Movements and Passengers at GVA: 1953-2002
Figure 3 - Forecast Figures for Movements and Passengers at GVA
Figure 4 - Slope Components for the Zurich Airport Model with External Shocks Chronology: 1953-2002
Table A1 - Interpretation of the Hyper-Parameters of the Model for Geneva International Airport
Paper 3 - Improved Estimates of Ton-Miles by Scott M. Dennis
Table 1 - Comparison of Annual Data Coverage
Figure 1 - All Ton-Miles
Figure 2 - Air Freight, Express, and Mail Revenue Ton-Miles
Figure 3 - Development of Truck Ton-Mile Estimates
Figure 4 - Truck Ton-Miles
Figure 5 - Railroad Ton-Miles
Figure 6 - Waterborne Ton-Miles
Figure 7 - Pipeline Ton-Miles
Table A1 - All Ton-Miles
Table A2 - Airline Freight, Express, and Mail Revenue Ton-Miles
Table A3 - Development of Truck Ton-Mile Estimates
Table A4 - Truck Ton-Miles
Table A5 - Railroad Ton-Miles
Table A6 - Waterborne Ton-Miles
Table A7 - Oil, Oil Products, and Natural Gas Pipeline Ton-Miles
Paper 4 - Spatial and Temporal Transferability of Trip Generation Demand Models in Israel by Adrian V. Cotrus, Joseph N. Prashker, and Yoram Shiftan
Table 1 - Demographic Characteristics by Metropolitan Area and Year
Table 2 - Differences Among the 1972, 1984, and 1996/97 Traveling Habits Survey
Table 3 - Regression Models by Metropolitan Areas: 1984
Table 4 - Aggregate Estimation Results Using Regression Models: 1984
Table 5 - Tobit Models by Metropolitan Areas: 1984
Table 6 - Aggregate Estimation Results Using Linear Tobit Models, by Year
Table 7 - Tobit Models Estimation of Nontravelers: 1984
Table 8 - Regression Models by Metropolitan Area: 1996/97
Table 9 - Aggregate Estimation Results Using Regression Models: 1996/97
Table 10 - Tobit Models by Metropolitan Areas: 1996/97
Table 11 - Tobit Estimation of Nontravelers by Metropolitan Areas: 1996/97
Table 12 - Temporal Transferability Results of the 1984 Models in the 1996/97 Files
Figure 1 - Research Sequence of Stages
Paper 5 - Governors Highway Safety Associations and Transportation Planning: Exploratory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling by Sudeshna Mitra, Simon Washington, Eric Dumbaugh, and Michael D. Meyer
Table 1 - Summary of Survey Response
Table 2 - Results of the Exploratory Factor Analysis
Table 3 - Weighted Least Square Estimate of the Model
Table 4 - Overall Goodness-of-Fit Measures for the Model
Figure 1 - Final Model Specifications
Paper 6 - Vehicle Breakdown Duration Modeling by Wenqun Wang, Haibo Chen, and Margaret C. Bell
Table 1 - Kruskal-Wallis Test of Vehicle Breakdown Duration
Table 2 - Variables in the Fuzzy Logic Model
Table 3 - Sensitivity Test of the ANN Input Variables
Table 4 - Comparison of the FL and ANN Models
Figure 1 - Map of the M4 Motorway
Figure 2 - Distribution of Vehicle Breakdown Duration
Figure 3 - Vehicle Breakdown Duration and Time of Day
Figure 4 - Vehicle Breakdown Duration and Vehicle Type
Figure 5 - Structure of the FL System
Figure 6 - Surface of the FL System
Figure 7 - Result of the FL Model
Figure 8 - Structure of the ANN System
Figure 9 - Result of the ANN Model
Paper 7 - Using Generalized Estimation Equations to Account for Correlation in Route Choice Models
Table 1 - Modeling Results for the BGEE Model with and without Correlation
Table 2 - Modeling Results for the MGEE Model without Correlation
Table 3 - Modeling Results for the MGEE Model with Correlation
Figure 1 - Sample View of a Screen from the Orlando Transportation Experimental Simulation Program (Scenario #3)
Book Reviews
Data Review
Table 1 - Airline Employees by Business Model and Size Classification: 2004
Table 2 - Airline Employees: 2000-2004
Table 3 - Percentage Change in Airline Employment
Guidelines for Manuscript Submission
Call for Papers
Back Cover

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