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Directory of Innovative Initiatives

Environmental innovation can take many forms, and be characterized in many ways. The Directory of Innovative Initiatives provides access to a wide range of innovations at EPA. Users can select innovations that address specific environmental media, that are multi-media in scope, or that relate to environmental tools or functions. Access is also provided to innovations that are evolving at the regional level. This listing is not a complete collection, however, NCEI continues adding new information as it becomes available.

In addition, a link is provided to the Environmental Innovation Portfolio. This resource serves as a quick navigational guide to an expanding variety of innovative strategies and practices available to public environmental agencies. The Portfolio

  1. categorizes the types of strategies that environmental agencies can use to reap better results;
  2. highlights promising projects as examples of approaches that can be adopted or adapted;
  3. promotes networking among people working on similar problems who can benefit from shared experiences.

Media-Specific Innovations

Multi-Media Innovations

Where You Live: Regional Innovations

Environmental Innovation Portfolio

Innovative Tools or Functions

Local Navigation

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