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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
NOWITNA: A Wild and Scenic Goose Production Survey on the Nowitna River
Region 7, July 2, 2008

This summer, two Koyukuk and Nowitna National Wildlife Refuges staff members conducted a survey of 143 miles of the Nowitna River.  The survey aimed to assess goose production for Greater White-fronted and Canada geese on the refuge and record observations of other avian and mammalian species.  The five day survey on the Nowitna Wild and Scenic River resulted in a vast array of wildlife observations which included wolves, moose, peregrine falcons, and osprey.  It was a successful trip that yielded the assessment that this year's goose production was average for this area of the refuge.



Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391, maeve_taylor@fws.gov