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Potential Applications for AQUATOX

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AQUATOX has a myriad of potential applications to water management issues and programs, including water quality criteria and standards, TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Loads), and ecological risk assessments of aquatic systems. AQUATOX can be used to predict ecological responses to proposed management alternatives. It may help to determine the most important of several environmental stressors, e.g. where there are both nutrients and toxic pollutants.

The choice of an appropriate model or other tool depends upon the kinds of questions to be answered, the complexity of the situation, and the consequences of the outcome. AQUATOX should be considered where the user needs to understand the processes relating the chemical and physical environment with the biological community.

Nutrient and eutrophication analysis

Dissolved oxygen; Inputs: Reaeration, Photosynthesis, Loading; Outputs: Nitrification, Oxygen Demand, Washout

Modeling Dissolved Oxygen in AQUATOX

Nutrient in Water; Inputs: loading, atmospheric deposition, detrital decomposition, bacteria, biota excretion; Outputs: algal assimilation, bacteria, washout

Modeling Nutrients in AQUATOX

Phytoplankton; Inputs: loading, phytosynthesis, sloughing of periphyton; Outputs: algal metabolism, grazing, mortality, sinking, washout

Modeling Phytoplankton in AQUATOX

evaluation of ecosystem responses to proposed control actions

Predict response to nutrient reduction:
DO in hypolimnion with and without WWTP effluent

AQUATOX is well suited for analysis of waterbodies under stress from nutrient enrichment, such as nuisance algal blooms. Potential applications would include development of water quality criteria for nutrients, TMDLs, and analysis of management alternatives.

AQUATOX simulates numerous inter-related variables important in nutrient and dissolved oxygen dynamics, and their effects on the resident aquatic life.

AQUATOX is applicable to vertically stratified lakes and reservoirs.

See Modeling Periphyton with AQUATOX for more details.

Model Validation Reports for details on applications of AQUATOX for nutrient analysis in Onondaga Lake, New York and Coralville Reservoir, Iowa.

AQUATOX can model streams.

AQUATOX was successfully calibrated and validated against independent data in Walker Branch, Tennessee (PDF) (238 K) to simulate periphyton responses to nutrients, heavy grazing by snails, and variable flow. AQUATOX can be used to evaluate ecosystem responses to proposed control actions.

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showing how aquatic life effects are modeled

Aquatic Life Effects

Chart showing abundace of algal groups

Predict relative abundance of algal groups

Unlike most water quality models, AQUATOX treats the biota as integral to the chemical/physical system. It has potential applications in analyzing the cause and effect relationships between the chemical and physical environment and biological responses.

AQUATOX represents the effects of nutrients and organic toxicants on the aquatic life.

The Model Validation Report for Coralville Reservoir (PDF) (1.0 Mb) includes analysis of the biological community.

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Bioaccumulation and ecological effects of organic toxicants

demo of bioaccumulation factors in aquatox

Bioaccumulation in AQUATOX: Organic Toxicants

AQUATOX has the ability to model bioaccumulation of organic toxicants, as well as their direct and indirect effects on the biota.

The Model Validation Report for Lake Ontario (PDF) (1.8 Mb), includes computation of bioaccumulation factors and comparison with two other bioaccumulation models.

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