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Mercury Symposium in Tampa Fl from April 28 - 30.

{bullet}  What's New at EPA

Check this What’s New page often to keep up-to-date with our progress and other PBT news of interest!

Please send us any PBT-related articles or news bits you would like us to share with our Web site audience to sasnett.sam@epa.gov.

What's New at EPA

"EPA's Roadmap for Mercury" was published on July 5, 2006.

Mercury Symposium April 28 - 30, 2004
February 2004
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has joined with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and several medical/public health associations to provide a program on the medical and public health aspects of mercury exposure to the public. This Mercury symposium will bring together members of the healthcare, scientific, federal public health and environmental, and the private sectors in a state-of-the-art meeting to discuss sources of mercury and human exposure to mercury.

New PBT Program Accomplishments Report Available
April 2003
A new report titled "Breaking the Cycle - PBT Program Accomplishments Report 2001-2002 " is the third in a series of such reports that outline the successful actions and ongoing investments by EPA's PBT Program. This report outlines the latest successes of the PBT Program that cut across a broad spectrum of activities including pollution reductions, filling PBT data gaps, collaborative efforts with private, governmental and international partners, and developing further strategic approaches for reducing releases and exposures to priority PBTs. The PDF version of this latest Accomplishments Report is available.

2003 Regional PBT Projects Competition
March 2003
Each year EPA makes funds available to the EPA Regions to support projects that help to implement key aspects of the PBT Program Strategy and Action Plans. These can be projects developed by the EPA Regional Office itself or it can involve proposals from States, Tribes and other governmental and non-profit organizations. The PDF of the guidance and criteria for the 2003 competition is available. Project proposals are due to the appropriate Regional Office PBT coordinator by April 15, 2003.


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