Catalog of Aquatic Invasive Species Education/Outreach Materials

Aquatic Invasive Species

Education and Outreach Materials

Education on invasive species identification, impacts and management is critical to effective prevention efforts. While outreach materials come in many forms, the most common products are brochures, signs, handouts and other graphics aimed at specific audiences or advancing specific messages. An inventory such as this is necessary to avoid duplication of effort, to enhance exchange of readily available information, and to help educators, managers and outreach personnel evaluate gaps in existing outreach efforts.

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This searchable inventory of AIS outreach materials is available to all users and has a dynamic web interface that allows registered users to input their own education and outreach materials as well as having a peer review and ratings system for material evaluation to help maintain a high standard for submissions. New users may wish to browse through the system before using the search features to get a better idea of the types of materials available. Organizations that have developed outreach tools that are available for distribution are encouraged to register and use the dynamic interface to upload a record of their own materials. Please see our FAQ section for more information on who should upload records and what information we need to validate your material(s).

In addition to the inventory of materials we are in the process of developing an image gallery where AIS images available for non-commercial use can be downloaded for use in the development of new materials (this will reduce image fatigue - i.e. seeing the same photo over and over again in every brochure). If you have images that you would like to share for non-commercial use in education and outreach materials you are encouraged to upload these to the catalog as well. We are still in the process of developing a non-commerical usage waiver so downloading posted images is not currently an option but you may contact the person who uploaded the image directly to work out a fair usage agreement.

This catalog has been made possible with funding from the Western Regional Panel and Portland State University. The inventory is managed by the Center for Lakes and Reservoirs at Portland State. Please send any questions or comments to