Other Biological, Ecological, and Environmental Terminologies

Other Resources

Other Biological, Ecological, and Environmental Terminologies of Revelance to the NBII Community

While the NBII strives to constantly enhance and expand the coverage of the Biocomplexity Thesaurus, we cannot hope to capture the breadth and depth of of all topics in natural resources at this time.

Many fine glossaries, controlled vocabularies, thesauri, and ontologies are currently available from and maintained by various reputable agencies and institutions. NBII is exploring partnerships with many of these groups to make the Biocomplexity Thesaurus interoperable with other terminologies, so that users may one day view multiple terminological structures through a single interface.

We encourage you to explore the terminology resources listed in this section. Many offer specialized, in-depth coverage of particular fields of study, while others offer multi-lingual capabilities for high-level environmental, biological, and ecological terms.

Tell Us About Terminology Resources

Do you know of other terminology resources of interest to the biological, ecological, environmental, and natural resources communities that we haven't listed on this site? If so, tell us about them! Use the "Contact Us" form below to let us know about useful terminologies that we've overlooked.