Purge Spurge: Leafy Spurge Database

Flowers of leafy spurge.  Photo: Diane Larson-USGS
Flowers of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula).
Photo: Diane Larson-USGS

Purge Spurge: Leafy Spurge Database Version 4.0 (Team Leafy Spurge, USDA, Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory). "More than 800 documents are included in this newest version of "Purge Spurge" along with an extended bibliography listing hundreds more. The CD also includes a complete collection of Leafy Spurge Symposium abstracts and proceedings beginning with the meeting's inception in 1979 through 2001, along with numerous photos, maps, tables and more."

Invasive Species Data and Maps

Map of drainages of the United States.  NationalAtlas.gov
Map of drainages of the United States.


We have gathered numerous online maps and map resources to help you find the information you need to map the spread and distribution of invasive species. Databases containing plot data, polygon data, and point data on the occurrence of non-native species can be merged to improve each individual dataset and create a better knowledge base of invasive species.

> List of Invasive Species Databases

> Invasive Species Databases, Proceedings of a Workshop. Excerpt from the Foreword: In 1998, a workshop was convened " ...on behalf of the Departments of the Interior, Agriculture, and Commerce in collaboration with the Charles Valentine Riley Memorial Foundation. On-line demonstrations and expert panels provided an opportunity for professionals in widely diverse fields of science and management to meet for the first time to apply their skills to the problem of invasive species. By exchanging information on how various database systems have been developed in the past, these federal, state, and non-governmental participants agreed on the need for linking and exploring applied uses of databases ."

Invasive Alien Species Information Systems Catalog

The ISIN has created a catalog of online invasive species information systems as part of our collaboration with the Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN). Click on the links in this sentence to download this document in text (TXT, 139KB), Microsoft Word Document (DOC, 1MB), or Hypertext Markup (HTM, 1.2MB) format.

Golden Apple Snail Database

Golden apple snail (Pomacea sp.) Photo: Rita T. dela Cruz.
Golden apple snail (Pomacea sp.)
Photo: Rita T. dela Cruz.

Scientific Information Database on Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea spp.) [ISBN 971-92558-7-0. Produced by Department of Agriculture-Cordillera Administrative Region, Cordillera Highland Agricultural Resource Management Project, Philippine Rice Research Institute Agricultural Librarians Association of Philippines.]

The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Office of the U.S. Geological Survey
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