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Annual Imported Fire Ant Conference

Last Updated: February 16, 2009 Related resource areas: Imported Fire Ants

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Annual IFA Conference and Annual Fire Ant CoP Member Meeting

General information

When: April 6-9, 2009
Where: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Important Deadlines:
Hotel Registration - TBA
Submit Presentation Titles - March 20
Meeting Registration - March 20

Upcoming meeting announcement

From Jeanetta Cooper:
I am inviting everyone interested in coming to a fire ant 'roundup' (that's a cowboy term) instead of your run-of-the-mill, normal conference! The meeting is scheduled for April 6-9, 2009, at the Marriott Hotel in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City has much to offer: Bricktown with lots of restaurants, local breweries, the canal rides, and other sites; the Oklahoma City Memorial bombing site (we may have an evening private tour of the museum); National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum; Stockyards City; Myriad Botanical Gardens, and in keeping with the Old West, cowboy theme, I'm trying to round up a chuckwagon feed.

Contact informtion

Jeanetta Cooper

Meeting information

  • Registration forms
  • Paper/poster submission forms
  • Booth/display request forms
  • Sponsorship/donation forms
  • Upcoming meeting agenda

Past meeting information


The Imported Fire Ant Conference Proceedings have been issued annually since 1984. The link below contains scanned copies of Proceedings from 1995 to the present. Acquiring reprint copies of earlier Proceedings articles may be difficult, but contacting the author(s) should be the first option.

The citations from the Proceedings from 1984-2001 are provided in a bibliography developed under the direction of Dr. S. Bradleigh Vinson. An index to the numbered citations is also provided to allow users to search for papers on specific topics.

  1. Bibliography of Imported Fire Ant Conference Proceedings (1984-2001)
  2. Subject Area Index for Imported Fire Ant Conference Proceedings (1984-2001)


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