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US Climate Action Report (U.S. Department of State, May 2002)


The United States of America's Third National Communication Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (U.S. Department of State, May 2002)

This report is a State Department publication hosted on EPA's website for the State Department. Exit EPA
Hard copies of this report are available for purchase for $36 from the U.S. Government Printing Office. Visit the GPO website and enter "climate action report 2002" in the search box and then click on "add to cart." Phone orders may be submitted at 1-866-512-1800 (toll-free) or 1-202-512-1800 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Eastern Time.
Get Acrobat ReaderMany of the publications and reports in this section of the site are available for viewing and download in Adobe Acrobat 4.0 (pdf) format. The required Acrobat Reader may be obtained from Adobe Systems Exit EPA at no cost.
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 197k pdf) – Summarizes the main elements of the report.

Chapter 2. National Circumstances (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 450k pdf) – Presents a snapshot of the national characteristics of the United States that play a role in climate change, including the country's climate, geography, economy, demographic trends, energy production and consumption, and natural resources.

Chapter 3. Greenhouse Gas Inventory (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 442k pdf) – Provides a broad overview of all U.S. greenhouse gas emission sources and sinks, introduces key concepts, and discusses the primary drivers for the growth in emissions. All material in the chapter is drawn from the U.S.Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990–1999.

Chapter 4. Policies and Measures (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 320k pdf) – Reviews national policies to limit emissions and enhance sinks of greenhouse gases undertaken since 1990.

Chapter 5. Projections (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 322k pdf) – Quantifies the aggregate effects on greenhouse gas emissions of policies and measures implemented or planned from 1990 to 2020.

Chapter 6. Impacts and Adaptation (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 1.5M pdf) – Addresses U.S. vulnerabilities to the adverse consequences of climate change and identifies the most promising adaptation measures being explored. The U.S. Global Change Research Program website features an HTML version of this chapter Exit EPA enhanced with extensive hyperlinks to related documents and sites.

Chapter 7. Financial Resources (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 426k pdf) – Reviews U.S. efforts with other countries to assist with mitigation and sequestration strategies, build human and institutional capacity to address climate change, and facilitate the commercial transfer of technology.

Chapter 8. Research and Observation (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 296k pdf) – Discusses research efforts involving prediction of climate change, impacts and adaptation, and mitigation and new technologies.  This chapter also provides an overview of U.S. work on Global Climate Observing Systems. Exit EPA

Chapter 9. Education, Training, and Awareness (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 269k pdf) – Addresses programs to educate and train students and citizens in areas related to climate change and reviews U.S. outreach activities to disseminate information about global climate change.

Appendix A: Emission Trends. (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 1.9M pdf)

Appendix B: Policies and Measures. (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 1.5M pdf)

Appendix C: Selected Technology Transfer Activities and U.S. Direct Financial Contributions and Commercial Sales Related to Implementation of the UNFCCC. (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 4.4M pdf)

Appendix D: Climate Change Science: An Analysis of Some Key Questions. (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 264k pdf)

Appendix E: Bibliography. (U.S. Department of State, May 2002, 197k pdf)
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