../plan.css"> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission



This subsection is comprised of thirteen measures designed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery to our customers. Performance measures address the following issues: streamlining internal processes, maintaining technological competency, and improving customer service in the agency's financial and human resource management areas, including initiatives to address the Administration's government-wide reforms.

GPRA Measures


Enhance Agency Effectiveness to Achieve our Mission and Strategic Goals by Providing Executive Direction and Support and Building Institutional Knowledge.

Strategic Objective 3.3.

Instill a knowledge base by attaining and maintaining a robust technological competency and through research, analysis and evaluation of organizational components, procedures and processes.

STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002
NO. Target Results Target Results Target Target
3.3.1. Percent or number of streamlined, updated, or eliminated internal directives in effect as of September 30, 1998. 10% 5% 10% 16% 17 directives. 8 directives.
3.3.2. Implement a new integrated financial management system. Implement system. System implem. X X Complete transition plans for implementation. Implement Core Accounting and Budget Modules.
3.3.3. Continue development, test and pilot a number of subsystems of the EEOC's Integrated Mission System (IMS). X X Continue to develop IMS. IMS development continued. Test 4 subsystems: private sector, federal sector, litigation and outreach. Pilot the 4 subsystems in field offices.
3.3.4. Implement a new human resources and payroll system. X X X X Complete 2-year transition and implementation of system.
3.3.5. Develop and implement a new, standardized federal EEO Complaint Collection and Reporting System to improve the collection of data from federal agencies and provide more efficient reporting of federal EEO complaints. X X Initiate development of federal EEO data system. Identified requirements for a new data system and initiated contractor selection. Complete 2-year system development and implementation in 5 pilot federal agencies during FY2002.
3.3.6. Conduct an OMB Circular A-76 review of the IT Systems Design, Development and Programming activity. X X X X X Complete review in FY2002.
3.3.7. Percent of properly completed travel vouchers paid within 15 business days after receipt in headquarters. X X X X 80% 90%
3.3.8. Percent of full and open procurement actions for $25,000 or more posted on, and provided the opportunity for submitting electronic bids through, the government-wide Website for procurement activity. X X X X X 100%
3.3.9. Percent of procurement actions for less than $25,000 awarded within 25 business days after acceptance of the request. X X X X 90% 90%
3.3.10. Average number of business days to reduce to, and maintain, for awarding properly prepared procurement actions of $25,000 or more. X X X X 105 105
3.3.11. Number of calendar weeks, on average, to deliver a list of qualified candidates (a certificate) to the requestor after the request to post a vacancy announcement, assuming the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) maintains open investigator announcements and classifies, posts and issues certificates for complex positions. X X X X Within 8 Within 6
3.3.12. Number of calendar days to complete each non-routine personnel action requested. (These actions include establishment/classification of positions, reasonable accommodation requests, and some separation actions, i.e., involuntary separations and transfers to other government agencies.) X X X X 90 90
3.3.13. Number of calendar days to accurately complete routine personnel actions received. (These actions include non-competitive reassignments and promotions, changes in benefits and accessions.) X X X X 10 10

Program Highlights

Streamlining Internal Directives

As reflected in the above GPRA measures , we exceeded our target for streamlining, updating or eliminating internal directives during fiscal year 2000 by 6%. The agency continues to look at directives in its system for the purpose of updating old ones to reflect changes in policies, procedures, and process. In some cases, we were able to streamline the directives inventory by consolidating multiple directives that collectively control one processand eliminated those directives which no longer are pertinent to the way we do business. For fiscal year 2001, our target is to streamline, update or eliminate at least 17 more directives. We will continue this measure into fiscal year 2002 by targeting an additional 8 directives.


Technology is critical to achieving agency goals and objectives in all areas of agency operations, including mission programs as well as support operations. EEOC's Five-Year Information Resources Management Strategic Plan, Figure 4, outlines an ambitious agenda requiring on-going commitment, if the agency is to reap the rewards of modern information technology in its financial, human resources, and program information systems. Implementation of systems planned will increase the cost-effectiveness of agency programs, increase efficiency, and improve service to our customers. Overall objectives of the Information Resources Management Strategy are:

In fiscal year 2002, the agency will initiate the implementation of three major information systems which are the core components required to migrate toward an integrated information architecture:


5-year information resources management strategic plan


color key for figure 4 Completion of Major Milestone
color key for figure 4 IT Project color key for figure 4 Partial Funding
color key for figure 4 System support and Maintenance color key for figure 4 Unfunded

Performance Measures for Management Reforms

The Administration has identified key government-wide reforms for fiscal year 2002 to improve the functioning of government and achieve efficiencies in its operations. The Commission is committed to addressing these reforms, as discussed below.

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This page was last modified on May 3, 2001.

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