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Human Wildlife Interactions

Bears, Cougars, Alligators and more...

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Bear Show -- no Sound
Complete with script at the end. Use it for safety meetings, public/partner meetings or any other gathering where human/wildlife interactions are an issue. Use the > icons at the lower right and left to advance the slides. About 40 pages. [PDF: 2.6 mb]
Bear Show -- with Sound
A bear safety slide presentation. Complete with voice narration and the actual script at the end. Use it for safety meetings, public/partner meetings or any other gathering where human/wildlife interactions are an issue. Use the > icons at the lower right and left to advance the slides. Hit escape to end. About 40 pages. Narration by Jim Walker, Portland, Oregon. [PDF: 16.7 mb]
Be Bear Aware Movie
1-1/2 minute movie on Bear Awareness in a camping situation. Use at Visitor Centers, safety meetings, websites, video screen displays, etc. [MPG: 16.2 mb]
Be Bear Aware Card

A popular 4-page "Be Bear Aware" public safety information card from the Center for Wildlife Information. Contact the Center for Wildlife Information for additional copies. [PDF: 4.4 mb]

Be Bear Aware Program
The Be Bear Aware program is a successful effort to educate children and adults about bear safety when watching wildlife, camping, and other outdoor activities. This 8 page document provides an excellent hands-on program operated at the Ranger District level. Contributed by the Camino Ranger District. [PDF: 112 kb]
Be Bear Aware Sign
6-inch warning type sign suitable for printing. [PDF: 158 kb]
Be Bear Aware Slide Show
An excellent slide presentation on the Be Bear Aware Program developed by Gail Tunberg (Forest Service) and Chuck Bartlebaugh (Center for Wildlife Information). 40 pages. [PDF: 5.8 mb]
Cougar Show -- with Sound
Complete with voice narration and the actual script at the end. Use it for safety meetings, public/partner meetings or any other gathering where human/wildlife interactions are an issue. Use the > icons at the lower right and left to advance the slides. About 40 pages. Narration by Jim Walker, Portland, Oregon. [PDF: 10 mb]
Coyote Presentation
A coyote safety slide presentation. Complete with the script at the end. Use it for safety meetings, public/partner meetings or any other gathering where human/wildlife interactions are an issue. About 40 pages. [PDF: 2.5 mb]
Wildlife Viewing Tips
Some good-sense rules for watching wildlife etiquette. One page. From Colorado DNR. [PDF: 59 kb]
Florida Bear Presentation
A very well done slide presentation on bear interactions in Florida. Thanks to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for this contribution. 23 pages. [PDF: 2.2 mb]
Give Wildlife Room
Critical information for your NatureWatch Program. Use this guide consistently when developing or maintaining your NatureWatch Program activities or outreach efforts. Contributed by the Center for Wildlife Information. Contact CWI for additional copies. [PDF: 8.5 mb]
Living in Bear Country
A nice four-page homeowner's guide for living in bear country. Thanks to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for this contribution. [PDF: 4.2 mb]
Living With Alligators
What you should know about living with alligators! Two pages of valuable information. [PDF: 4.1 mb]
Living With Carnivores
A fine brochure about living with carnivores in the Pacific Northwest. Developed with a load of partners, this brochure covers information on cougars, wolves, bears, and coyotes. Two pages. [PDF: 4.2 mb]
Carnivores & Highways
Slide show about the challenges of preventing carnivores from being killed by vehicles. [PDF: 8.3 mb]
Wolf Narration
Only one wolf photo in this slide show, but an excellent narration (script on following pages) [PDF: 9.6 mb]
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