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Polluted Runoff (Nonpoint Source Pollution)
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Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters

Chapter 4: Management Measures for Urban Areas

I. Introduction

A. What "Management Measures" Are

B. What "Management Practices" Are

C. Scope of This Chapter

D. Relationship of This Chapter to Other Chapters and to Other EPA Documents

E. Overlap Between This Management Measure Guidance for Control of Coastal Nonpoint Sources and Storm Water Permit Requirements for Point Sources

  1. The Storm Water Permit Program
  2. Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Programs
  3. Scope and Coverage of This Guidance

F. Background

  1. Urbanization and Its Impacts
  2. Nonpoint Source Pollutants and Their Impacts
  3. Opportunities

II. Urban Runoff

A. New Development Management Measure

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices
  5. Effectiveness and Cost Information

B. Watershed Protection Management Measure

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection and Effectiveness Information
  4. Watershed Protection Practices and Cost Information
  5. Land or Development Rights Aquisition Practices and Cost Information

C. Site Development Management Measure

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices and Cost Information for Control of Erosion During Site Development
  5. Site Planning Practices

III. Construction Activites

A. Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control Management Measure

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Erosion Control Practices
  5. Sediment Control Practices
  6. Effectiveness and Cost Information

B. Construction Site Chemical Control Management Measure

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices

IV. Existing Development

A. Existing Development Management Measure

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices
  5. Effectiveness and Cost Information

V. Onsite Disposal Systems

A. New Onsite Disposal System Management Measure

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices
  5. Effectiveness and Cost Information

B. Operating Onsite Disposal Systems Management Measure

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices

VI. Pollution Prevention

A. Pollution Prevention Management Measure

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices, Effectiveness Information, and Cost Information

VII. Roads, Highways, and Bridges

A. Management Measure for Planning, Siting, and Developing Roads and Highways

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices
  5. Effectiveness and Cost Information

B. Management Measure for Bridges

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices
  5. Effectiveness and Cost Information

C. Management Measure for Construction Projects

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices
  5. Effectiveness and Cost Information

D. Management Measure for Construction Site Chemical Control

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices
  5. Effectiveness and Cost Information

E. Management Measure for Operation and Maintainance

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices
  5. Effectiveness and Cost Information

F. Management Measure for Road, Highway, and Bridge Runoff Systems

  1. Applicability
  2. Description
  3. Management Measure Selection
  4. Practices
  5. Effectiveness and Cost Information
  6. Pollutants of Concern

VIII. Glossary

IX. References

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