Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1
Transportation-Related Components of U.S. Gross Domestic Product: 1975 and 2000

(Billions of current dollars)

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  1975 2000
Personal consumption of transportation     
Motor vehicles and parts 54.8 346.8
Gasoline and oil 39.7 165.3
Transportation services 35.7 272.8
Total  130.2 784.9
Gross private domestic investment    
Transportation structures 1.4 5.2
Transportation equipment 1.9 195.9
Total 3.3 201.1
Exports (+)
Civilian aircraft, engines, and parts 3.2 48.1
Automotive vehicles, engines, and parts 10.8 80.2
Passenger fares 1 20.7
Other transportation 5.8 30.2
Total  20.8 179.2
Imports (–)    
Civilian aircraft, engines, and parts 0.5 26.4
Automotive vehicles, engines, and parts 12.1 195.9
Passenger fares 2.3 24.2
Other transportation 5.7 41.1
Total  20.6 287.6
Net exports of transportation-related goods and services  0.2 –108.4
Government transportation-related purchases    
Federal 4.9 19.6
State and local 32.1 147.6
Defense-related 2.8 8.9
Total 39.9 176.1
Total transportation final demand1 173.6 1,053.7
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)  1,630.60 9,872.90
Total transportation in GDP (percent) 10.6% 10.7%

1 Includes demand for transportation net exports, i.e., transportation imports subtracted from transportation exports.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, calculated from data in U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Current Business, issues from 1975–October 2001.

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