Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1
Top 10 Large Airports for Percentage of Flights Delayed, Canceled, or Diverted: 2001

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Rank Airport Number of scheduled departures Flight not departing on time Number of scheduled arrivals Flights diverted away from airport Canceled % late arrivals % of flights not arriving on time
1 Seattle-Tacoma 102,752 23,961 102,734 225 3,074 27.5 30.7
2 San Francisco 121,735 26,621 121,738 316 6,389 23.2 28.7
3 New York La Guardia 103,874 22,020 103,888 674 7,774 20.3 28.4
4 New York JFK 41,224 10,019 41,208 160 1,944 22.7 27.8
5 Philadelphia 116,815 27,556 116,832 398 5,533 22.3 27.4
6 Chicago O'Hare 282,049 69,497 282,046 788 15,479 21.3 27.1
7 Boston Logan 103,969 22,948 103,950 208 7,377 19.5 26.8
8 Los Angeles 195,376 42,195 195,386 253 7,704 21.7 25.8
9 Newark 117,822 23,014 117,798 342 6,075 19.5 25
10 Miami 62,319 13,139 62,334 101 1,715 21.5 24.4

NOTES: A flight is defined as late if the aircraft departs from or arrives at the gate more than 15 minutes after its scheduled departure or arrival time. A large airport is an airport with at least 1 percent of domestic passenger enplanements in 2000.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Airline On-Time Performance Database, available at http://www. bts.gov., as of May 2002.

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