Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 4
Transit: 2000 Data (preliminary)

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75,013 buses (also included in buses under highway), 
21.2 billion passenger-miles
12,168 heavy and light rail, 15.2 billion passenger-miles
5,073 commuter rail, 9.4 billion passenger-miles
119 ferries, 330 million passenger-miles
33,080 demand responsive, 839 million passenger-miles
6,159 other vehicles, 984 million passenger-miles

Transit agencies

554 federally funded urbanized area agencies
1,074 federally funded rural agencies
3,594 federally funded specialized transportation agencies
753 other agencies
346,415 employees

NOTE: Data for fiscal year 2000 are preliminary.

SOURCE: American Public Transportation Association, Transit Factbook 2001 (Washington, DC: 2001), tables 30, 46, 62, and 84.

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