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Return File Format

The LRT Return File Format is available to regions and states participating in the Locational Data Improvement Project. These regions and states are encouraged to submit latitude and longitude coordinates for use in Envirofacts mapping applications. These coordinates are stored in the Locational Reference Tables.

The files returned from the EPA regions must be in a Fixed ASCII format. Fixed format means that fields should correspond in order and length to the data elements listed below and should not be separated by a delimiter. Address matched records should have actual address field values that reflect the address used to geocode the facility. In other words, if the actual address used to geocode a facility differs from the address that the facility is listed at, the geocoded address values are to be placed in the address fields.

NOTE: Records that do not contain the 4 required fields (PGM_SYS_ACRNM, PGM_SYS_ID, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE) and are not in the fixed file format as described below cannot be placed in the LRT.

PGM_SYS_ACRNM and PGM_SYS_ID values should originate from the EF_PROGRAM_FACILITY table.

**Note: This file was updated February 12, 1999. Changes from the previous version are marked in red.**

LRT File Format
Data Element Description Length Format Example
PGM_SYS_ACRNM (R) Acronym of the EPA system containing the entity. Refer to Table 1 for valid values. 15 Alpha PCS
PGM_SYS_ID (R)(1) Identification number to uniquely identify the entity within the PGM_SYS_ACRNM. 30 Alphanumeric IN0003361
LATITUDE (R) Latitude measurement (0 to 90 degrees). Units are in decimal degrees. 10 Numeric


LONGITUDE (R) Longitude measurement (0 to 180 degrees). First position indicates the direction "+" or "-". Units are in decimal degrees. 11 Numeric


ACCURACY_VALUE Accuracy of the collected Lat/Long. Units are in meters. Accuracy is recorded as a number. 5 Numeric 125.5
SUB_ID(2) Identification for the subentity (ie, monitoring station, spill, pipe, stacks, or other operable unit). Refer to Table 9 for sub_id formats. 30 Alphanumeric 001A
SUB_TYPE_CODE Code which identifies the type of operable unit of the subentity. Refer to Table 2 for valid codes. 4 Numeric


GEOMETRIC_TYPE_CODE Point, Line, Area, Region, or Route. Refer to Table 3 for valid codes. 3 Alpha 001
VERTICAL_MEASURE Vertical measurement of the point with respect to the vertical datum being used. Units are in meters. 10 Numeric +1234.99



VMETHOD_CODE Code representing method used to collect vertical measurements. Refer to Table 4 for valid codes. 3 Numeric 001
VDATUM_CODE Code representing the reference datum for the vertical measurements. Refer to Table 5 for valid codes. 3 Numeric 001
VACCURACY Accuracy of the vertical measurement. Units are in meters. Accuracy is recorded as a number. 7 Numeric 10
COLLECT_MTH_CODE Code representing the method used to obtain Lat/Long coordinates. Refer to Table 6 for valid codes. 3 Numeric 001
SCALE Value representing the geographic scale of a map. 9 Numeric 100000
SOURCE_CODE Description of organization responsible for sending data for inclusion into the LRT. Refer to Table 7 for valid description values. 3 Numeric 001
HDATUM_CODE Code representing the reference datum of the Lat/Long. Refer to Table 8 for valid codes. 3 Numeric 001
REF_POINT_CODE Code for the category of feature referenced by Lat/Long. Refer to Table 9 for valid codes. 3 Numeric 001
COLLECTION_DATE Latitude and longitude collection date. 8 DATE


CITY_NAME City name for the location of the entity / subentity. 30 Alpha Greenlawn
COUNTY_NAME County name for the location of the entity / subentity. 35 Alpha Suffolk
LOCATION_ADDRESS Street number and address of the entity / subentity. 50 Alphanumeric 23 Oak St.
POSTAL_CODE U.S. Postal ZIP Code of physical or nearest location (ZIP, or ZIP+4) of the entity / subentity. 14 Numeric 11740
PRIMARY_NAME Name of regulated or monitored entity / subentity. 50 Alphanumeric CARGILL INC
STATE_CODE U.S. Post Office state abbreviation of the entity / subentity. 2 Alpha NY
COMMENT_TEXT Text used to describe any information that is noteworthy concerning the collection of the coordinate values. 150 Alphanumeric Alphanumeric

Table 1: Program System Acronyms & Descriptions
RCRAInfo Resource Conservation Recovery Act Information System
PCS Permit Compliance System
AFS/AIRS Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS)/Facility Subsystem (AFS)
SSTS Section Seven Tracking System
CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System
NCDB National Compliance Data Base
FFIS Federal Facility Information System
STATE State Systems
PADS PCB Handler Activity Data System
TRIS Toxics Chemical Release Inventory System
TRIS-POTW Toxics Chemical Release Inventory System - Public Owned Treatment Works
TRIS-OTHER Toxics Chemical Release Inventory System - outside transfer facility
STORET Storage and Retrieval
EMAP Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program
AIRS/AQS Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS)/Quality Subsystem (AQS)
SDWIS Safe Drinking Water Information System

Table 2: Sub Type Codes and Descriptions
1 Point Of Record
2 Boundary Point
3 Sampling Point
4 End of Discharge Point
5 Well Head
6 Transect Origin
7 Grid Origin
20 Stack
40 Spills

Table 3: Geometric Type Codes and Descriptions
001 Point
002 Line
003 Area
004 Region
005 Route

Table 4: Vertical Method Codes and Description
G1 001 GPS Carrier Phase Static Relative Position
G2 002 GPS Carrier Phase Kinematic Relative Position
G3 003 GPS Code (Pseudo Range) Differential
G4 004 GPS Code (Pseudo Range)Precise Position
G5 005 GPS Code (Pseudo Range)Standard Position (SA Off)
G6 006 GPS Code (Pseudo Range)Standard Position (SA On)
S1 007 Classical Surveying Techniques
OT 008 Other
A1 009 Altimery
L1 010 Precise Leveling-Bench mark
L2 011 Leveling-Non Bench Mark Control Points
L3 012 Trigonometric Leveling
P1 013 Photogrammetric
T1 014 Topographic Map Interpolation

Table 5: Vertical Datum Codes and Descriptions
1 001 NAVD88
2 002 NGVD29
3 003 Mean Sea-Level
4 004 Local Tidal Datum

Table 6: Collection Method Codes and Descriptions
A2 002 Address Matching-Block Face
A6 006 Address Matching-Digitized
A1 001 Address Matching-House Number
A4 004 Address Matching-Nearest Intersection
AO 007 Address Matching-Other
A5 005 Address Matching-Primary Name
A3 003 Address Matching-Street Centerline
C2 009 Census Block/Group-1990-Centroid
C3 010 Census Block/Tract-1990-Centroid
C1 008 Census Block-1990-Centroid
CO 011 Census-Other
S1 025 Classical Surveying Techniques
G0 028 GPS-Unspecified
G2 013 GPS Carrier Phase Kinematic Relative Position
G1 012 GPS Carrier Phase Static Relative Position
G3 014 GPS Code (Psuedo Range) Differential
G4 015 GPS Code (Psuedo Range) Precise Position
G5 016 GPS Code (Psuedo Range) Standard Position (SA Off)
G6 017 GPS Code (Psuedo Range) Standard Position (SA On)
G7 029 GPS, with Canadian Active Control System
I4 030 Interpolation - Digital Map Source (TIGER)
I5 031 Interpolation - SPOT
I6 032 Interpolation - MSS
I7 033 Interpolation - TM
I1 018 Interpolation - Map
I0 021 Interpolation - Other
I2 019 Interpolation - Photo
I3 020 Interpolation - Satellite
L1 022 Loran C
P3 034 Public Land Survey - Eighth Section
P5 036 Public Land Survey - Footing
P4 035 Public Land Survey - Sixteenth Section
P2 023 Public Land Survey - Quarter Section
P1 024 Public Land Survey - Section
UN 027 Unknown
Z1 026 ZIP Code - Centroid
Z2 038 ZIP +2 Centroid
Z3 037 ZIP +4 Centroid

Table 7: Source Codes and Descriptions
01 001 Alabama
02 002 Alaska
03 060 American Samoa
04 004 Arizona
05 005 Arkansas
06 006 California
08 008 Colorado
09 009 Conneticut
CR 080 Contractor
10 010 Delaware
11 011 District of Columbia
DB 081 Dun & Bradstreet
HQ 082 EPA Headquarters
64 064 Federated States of Micronesia
12 012 Florida
13 013 Georgia
66 066 Guam
15 015 Hawaii
16 016 Idaho
17 017 Illinois
18 018 Indiana
19 019 Iowa
20 020 Kansas
21 021 Kentucky
22 022 Louisiana
23 023 Maine
68 068 Marshall Islands
24 024 Maryland
25 025 Massachusetts
26 026 Michigan
27 027 Minnesota
28 028 Mississippi
29 029 Missouri
30 030 Montana
31 031 Nebraska
32 032 Nevada
33 033 New Hampshire
34 034 New Jersey
35 035 New Mexico
36 036 New York
37 037 North Carolina
38 038 North Dakota
69 069 Northern Mariana Islands
39 039 Ohio
40 040 Oklahoma
41 041 Oregon
OT 083 Other
FA 084 Other Federal Agency
70 070 Palau
42 042 Pennsylvania
PV 085 Private
72 072 Puerto Rico
R1 088 Region 1
R0 089 Region 10
R2 090 Region 2
R3 091 Region 3
R4 092 Region 4
R5 093 Region 5
R6 094 Region 6
R7 095 Region 7
R8 096 Region 8
R9 097 Region 9
RE 098 Regulated Entity
44 044 Rhode Island
45 045 South Carolina
46 046 South Dakota
47 047 Tennessee
48 048 Texas
TR 086 Tribe
74 074 U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
UN 087 Unknown
48 049 Utah
50 050 Vermont
78 078 Virgin Islands of the United States
51 051 Virginia
53 053 Washington
54 054 West Virginia
55 055 Wisconsin
56 056 Wyoming

Table 8: Horizontal Datum Codes and Descriptions
1 001 NAD27
2 002 NAD83
3 003 WGS84

Table 9: Reference Point Codes and Descriptions
UN 001 Unknown
PG 002 Plant Entrance (General)
OT 003 Other
PP 004 Plant Entrance (Personnel)
PF 005 Plant Entrance (Freight)
AS 006 Air Release Stack
AV 007 Air Release Vent
ST 008 Storage Tank
WR 009 Water Release Pipe
SP 010 Lagoon or Settling Pond
LW 011 Liquid Waste Treatment Unit
AE 012 Atmospheric Emissions Treatment Unit
SD 013 Solid Waste Treatment/Disp. Unit
SS 014 Solid Waste Storage Area
LF 015 Loading Facility
LC 016 Loading Area Centroid
PU 017 Process Unit
PC 018 Process Area Unit Centroid
AB 019 Administrative Building
FC 020 Facility Centroid
NE 021 NE Corner of Land Parcel
SE 022 SE Corner of Land Parcel
NW 023 NW Corner of Land Parcel
SW 024 SW Corner of Land Parcel
CE 025 Center of Facility
WA 027 Wellhead Protection Area
WM 028 Water Monitoring Station
IP 030 Intake Pipe
WL 026 Well
AM 029 Air Monitoring Station
- 032 Water Well
- 033 Spring
- 034 Source Water Area
- 035 Potential Contaminant Source
- 036 Source Water Protection Area

1. entity refers to PGM_SYS_ACRNM + PGM_SYS_ID

2. subentity refers to PGM_SYS_ACRNM + PGM_SYS_ID + SUB_ID

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