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Lead Sampling Technician Course Information

HUD's regulation allows certified sampling technicians (called "clearance technicians" in the HUD regulation) to conduct clearance testing on pre-1978 residential dwellings that receive Federal financial assistance or are sold by the Federal government after any of the following activities are performed:

-  interim control activities, 
-  rehabilitation that disturbs painted surfaces,
-  maintenance activities required under HUD’s regulation to address lead hazards.

The Lead Sampling Technicians are not permitted to conduct clearance after abatement activities; only certified risk assessors or inspectors can perform such post-abatement testing in accordance with EPA's 402 regulations.  HUD’s clearance requirements also permit individuals trained, but not certified, as sampling/clearance technicians to conduct clearance examinations if they work under the supervision of a certified risk assessor or inspector. 

EPA encourages states to promote the training and certification of sampling technicians in order to increase the supply of individuals qualified to conduct clearance testing under HUD's requirements.  HUD's regulations anticipate clearance testing in over 300,000 units.   However, the Agency will not require that states adopt the sampling technician discipline under the model 402/404 program.  In states where EPA is administering the 402/404 program, EPA will permit sampling technicians who are trained and/or certified in other states to:

- conduct clearance testing following renovation , and 
- conduct non-abatement clearance in accordance with HUD regulations, and 
- collect lead dust sampling in other settings such as pre-sale home inspections, unit turnovers, or at the request of homeowners. 

For a copy of the training manual, student manual or field guide, click below to download the documents.

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Lead Sampling Technician Training Course -Trainer Manual
Trainer_Manual (PDF) (146 pp, 3.4 MB)
Trainer_Manual_Appendix A (PDF) (31 pp, 1.6 MB)
Trainer_Slides_Intro (PDF) (3 pp, 180 KB)
Trainer_Slides_Mod 1 (PDF) (16 pp, 1.1 MB)
Trainer_Slides_Module 2 (PDF) (19 pp, 2.3 MB)
Trainer_Slides_Module 3 (PDF)
(31 pp, 1.5 MB)
Trainer_Slides_Module 4 (PDF) (12 pp, 350 KB)
Trainer_Slides_Module 5 (PDF) (26 pp, 611 KB)
Trainer_Slides_Module 6 (PDF) (6 pp, 240 KB)

Lead Sampling Technician Training Course - Student Manual
Student_Manual_Appendix A (PDF) (32 pp, 1.5 MB)
Student_Manual_Appendix B-E (PDF) (29 pp, 440 KB)
Student_Manual_Cover_and_TOC (PDF) (5 pp, 107 KB)
Student_Manual_Introduction (PDF) (2 pp, 226 KB)
Student_Manual_Module 1 (PDF)
(7 pp, 464 KB)
Student_Manual_Module 2 (PDF) (9 pp, 1.9 MB)
Student_Manual_Module 3 (PDF) (15 pp, 734 KB)
Student_Manual_Module 4 (PDF) (10 pp, 407 KB)
Student_Manual_Module 5 (PDF) (12 pp, 620 KB)
Student_Manual_Module 6 (PDF) (4 pp, 290 KB)


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