The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Appendix E.  Field Office Director Survey

Questions for EEOC Offices

Following are a few questions for office directors and/or specific people in your field offices.  Please consolidate responses from your office and return this questionnaire by close of business Monday, February 13, 2006 either by email or by fax 703/683-5825.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Lee Ann Wadsworth at 703/683-5805 ext 208 (office) or 703/851-5431 (cell). 

Office ­Location
Office type (DO,FO, AO, LO)  
Contact Name
Telephone Number

Trend data desired

  1. Please indicate what trend data you would like to receive from the National Contact Center (NCC) and the frequency. (Please add rows in the table below if needed by placing the cursor in the bottom right cell and pressing the tab key).
Trend Data Desired Frequency

Telephone listing

  1. Please have someone in your office check the blue pages of the telephone directories you have in your office and record for each directory whether the EEOC's 1/800 number (NCC) is listed. (Please add rows if needed by placing the cursor in the bottom right cell and pressing the tab key).
City Date Published 800 number listed (yes/no)

“Hot call” transfers from the NCC (Potential Charging Party is transferred directly from the NCC because there is a risk of Statute of Limitation expiring)

Please ask the person who handles the intake for the “hot calls” to answer the following two questions:

  1. Approximate total number of “hot calls” received from the NCC
  1. Approximate percent of these calls that are within 30 days of the Statute of Limitations expiring

Your office intake questionnaire

  1. Of the total EAS forms your office receives from the NCC, what percent of the time does your office send out an intake questionnaire?
 __________ %
  1. Please ask the relevant person(s) in your office who oversees sending out intake questionnaires if it would benefit your office to have the National Contact Center send out your office intake questionnaire with a return envelope addressed to your office.





  1. If yes, please indicate the labor savings to your office in an average month.  (Please add rows if needed by placing the cursor in the bottom right cell and pressing the tab key).
    Pay Grade Number of People Approximate Hours per Month

Office Intake Procedures

  1. When a new Potential Charging Party (PCP) walks in your office to inquire about filing a charge and the Statute of Limitations will not expire within 30 days, please indicate your office procedures (mark all that apply by placing “XX” next to the letter):
    a. Provide screening by an ISA while the PCP is still in your office
    b. Give the PCP an intake questionnaire to complete
    c. Make an appointment for some future date
    d. Provide screening by an investigator while the PCP is still in your office
    e. Other (please explain)
  2. When a new Potential Charging Party (PCP) calls your office for the first time to inquire about filing a charge, please indicate your office procedures (mark all that apply by placing “XX” next to the letter):
    a. Transfer the call to an ISA to provide screening
    b. Send the PCP an intake questionnaire
    c. Make an appointment
    d. Transfer the call to an investigator to provide screening
    e. Other (please explain)

Best Practices

  1. Does your office have any current best practices to effectively and efficiently utilize resources/capabilities provided by the NCC that you would like to share with other offices?  If yes, please explain.

Recommendations to Effectively Utilize the NCC

  1. Do you have recommendations to more effectively and efficiently utilize resources/capabilities provided by the NCC?  If yes, please explain.

This page was last modified on July 13, 2006.

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